
发布 2021-05-07 15:02:28 阅读 7452



介绍) this is mr smith. —nice/glad/pleased to meet you.

问候) how are you doing? —very well,thank you.

感谢) thank you very much.

it’s a pleasure./my pleasure./that’s ok.

/you’re welcome./don’t mention it./that’s all right.

道歉) i’m sorry for losing your radio.

that’s ok./it’s all right./never mind./it’s nothing./forget it./it doesn’t matter.

邀请)would you like to h**e a cup of coffee? —thank you./no, thank you.

for permission(请求允许)

would/do you mind my smoking here? —of course,you can./go ahead,please.

i’m sorry,it’s not allowed./i’m afraid not.

wishes and congratulations(祝愿和祝贺)

i’m going to h**e an english exam. —good luck!

i h**e just won the first prize in the maths competition. —congratulations!


shall i help you with that? —yes,please./yes,thanks.

no,thanks./thank you all the same.


let’s make it at 5:30. —all you then.

telephone calls(打**)

hello! may i speak to tom?/is that tom speaking?

just a moment, please./sorry. he isn’t in just now.

/hold the line, please. /hello. this is mary speaking.


would you like something to eat/drink? —yes,i’d like a drink./i’d like rice and chicken.

no,thank had enough.

a doctor(就医)

what’s the matter? —i’m not quite myself./i feel terrible(bad,horrible...

i h**e a headache./there is something wrong with...

购物 what can i do for you?/may i help you? —i want/i’d like a pair of sports shoes.

the way(问路)

excuse is the post office?/excuse is the way to the post office?/can(could) you tell me the way to the post office?

/how can i get to the post office?

it’s over there./go down this street until you see the tall red can’t miss it./you can take bus no.

23./turn left at the first crossing./sorry,i don’t a stranger here.

about weather(谈论天气)

what’s the weather like today?/how is the weather today?

it’s nice/fine/sunny/cloudy/rainy/snowy/foggy.

同情)my mother is h**e to stay at home and look after her. —i’m sorry to hear that.

频度) how often do you go to movies? —once a week.

and encouragement(赞扬和鼓励)

you speak excellent english. —thank you.


1. that is all right.没关系; 不客气(用于别人道歉或致谢时)

that is right说得对 (相当于you are right.) it will be too late when you know it. –that is right.

行了/够啦!(对别人所做之事愤怒)that is right. just go out and le**e me to do the dishes as usual.

all right: 不错 --how is the school going, steve? -oh, all right. i guess.

没事的i’d better go and make sure she is all right

everything will be all right好的,行(=ok)

2. with pleasure十分乐意(用于别人求助时) –can you fix the radio for me? –with pleasure非常乐意(用于邀请时) –will you come?

-with pleasure,

( it is /that is ) a /my pleasure别客气 (用于别人道谢时)

thank you for your timely help. –my pleasure

3. don’t mention it. 不用客气(主要用于别人道谢时) -thanks for the ride home.

–don’t mention it. piece of cake.没关系(少数情况下也可用来回答道歉)

i apologize for what i said. -don’t mention it.

4. no problem 没问题 (=by all means / out of question答应别人)

-could you post the letter for me? -no problem.没问题;不在话下” (表示有能力做某事) -can you make a kite?

-no problem. 没问题(用来表示安慰)

--i’ve left my money at home. -that’s) no problem. i can lend you some.

不用谢/别客气 (主要用于美国英语中)

-thank you very much. -no problem.没关系/没什么” (主要用于美国英语中)

5. forget it没关系/别在意(用来回答道歉) –

i’m really sorry to h**e broken your vase. –forget it. i’ve got many.


how much do i owe you? 我欠你多少钱? -forget it.算不了什么/不用谢了(用于回答感谢)

i'm most grateful to you for your help. -oh, it’s nothing, forget it.别提它了(不想重复刚才的话)

what was that? i didn’t hear. –forget it. nothing 休想/不可能 —can you lend me 1000 dollars?

if you are thinking of getting tom to help, forget it.别说了/省省吧(表示对别人所说的有点烦)

6. don’t you think? 你说呢?/你说是吗?(用来询问对方的看法)

-it must be a very good book, don’t you think?难道你不这样认为吗?(委婉的否定/反驳)

-he married a beautiful girl. -oh, really? but i think she is a little too short, don’t you think?

7. at your service 愿为您效劳!

i'm at your service no matter what you ask me to do听候吩咐

8. excuse me劳驾 (打听情况/引人注意)—

-excuse me, sir, will you tell me the way to the post office? 对不起(客气地打断别人的话) –


高考英语情景交际用语复习。考纲解读 高考英语测试定位为语言交际能力测试,语言必须放在实际的 并尽可能不同的情景中运用 语言必须适合具体的交际行为 考查的焦点在于是否达到交际目的 语言交际行为除了需要语言能力外,还需要一些其他的能力,因此考纲要求考生必须熟练掌握常见功能意念和情景场景的表达法,能用地道...

高考英语交际用语考点复习 印

语法复习 十 交际用语。一 交际用语考点梳理。考点一。关于问候 告别 打 问路 看病 购物 感谢 道歉 祝愿 请求等固定的应答用语。1.常用于感谢的应答语。you are welcomeit is my pleasure my pleasuredon t mention it.not at allt...


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