
发布 2021-05-07 15:03:28 阅读 1026



动词作系动词用时,后面常接形容词或名词,此时动词没有进行时和被动语态。它们是:appear, become, feel, look, sound, seem, taste, prove, remain, smell, grow, turn, go, come, run, fall, make, continue, stand, lie, sit, exist等,例如:

the dish looks good and smells good.

cotton feels soft.

he looks sad at the mews and looked at me sadly.

she remains excited, in my opinion.

this report proves disappointing.



see, look at, watch, notice, observe, hear, feel, listen to, make等。例如:

i saw the men playing football.

he often heard this song sung by the famous actress.

he often made his sister cry, but this time he was made to cry by his sister.


此类动词后接动名词作宾语。它们是:**oid, can’t help, can’t stand, consider, delay, enjoy, escape, excuse, f**our, finish, give up, imagine, keep, mind, miss, practise, put off, resist, risk, suggest, admit, appreciate, deny, forbid等。

例如:the bird was lucky to escape being caught.

he is always practicing playing the piano after school.


这类动词常接不定式作宾语。它们是:afford, agree, aim, arrange, ask, choose, decide, demand, determine, expect, hope, learn, long, manage, offer, pretend, promise, refuse, swear, want, wish等。

例如:he can’t afford to buy such an expensive car.

tom managed to cut down dozens of trees.


这类动词既可接不定式类,也可接动名词类。之间区别不大的有begin, continue, like, love, prefer, start, hate。意义有明显区别的有try to do(努力做), try doing(试着做); mean to do(打算), mean doing(意味着); can’t help to do(不能帮着做), can’t help doing(禁不住做); remember to do(记得要做), remember doing(记得做过); regret to do(遗憾要做), regret doing(后悔做过); forget to do(忘记要做), forget doing(忘了做过); stop to do(停下来去做另一件事), stop doing停止做); go on to do(接下来做), go on doing(继续做)。

例如:he remembered to give her the money, but she remembers h**ing been paid already.


这类动既可直接接动名词,也可接不定式的被动语态,但二者均可表示被动含义。它们是:need, want, require, deserve等。例如:

your sick mother needs looking after. (your mother needs to be looked after.)


动词表示应该(或规劝、命令、建议、要求等)时,其后的宾语从句用should加动词原形,其中should常可省略。它们是:order, suggest, insist, advise, demand, request, require, propose等。

例如:peter suggested that tom go there at once.

our teacher requires this be done in no time.


有些用主动表达被动的含义,其后常跟副词well, easily, poorly连用,用来说明主语的特点、性质或状态。它们是:break, burn, cook, cut, drive, eat, iron, keep, play, sell, last, open, shut wear, wash, write, translate, print, run, read, operate等。

例如:dry wood burns easily./the cloth washes well./the ***** prints poorly.


这类动词不能用于被动语态,也不能用进行时。它们是:become, cost, h**e last, hold(容纳), fit, stand(忍受), suit, belong to, consist, exist, depend, happen, take place, run out, break out, give out(耗尽), go out(熄灭), burst forth(突然爆发)等。

例如:this hall can hold 500 people.

china belongs to the third world.


这类动词常接反身代词作宾语。它们是:enjoy, sit, dress, present, teach, help, devote, call, find, force等。

例如:he taught himself law when free and devoted himself to teaching.


这类动词在主句以第一人称作主语,其后接宾语从句时,要把从句的否定形式移到主句。它们是:believe, expect, imagine, suppose, feel, guess, fancy等。

例如:to tell you the truth, i don’t suppose he can give you any help in such a short time.

as far as we know, we don’t believe we can make such an attempt, can we?


此类动词常用过去完成时加不定式,或用过去式接不定式的完成时态表虚拟语气,表达原来的计划未能实现。它们是:intend, mean, plan, hope, expect, think, want, suppose等。

例如:i had meant to tell you about it yesterday, but the snowstorm prevented me.

they hoped to h**e stayed there a week, but he couldn’t because of another important thing.


这类动词常用一般现在时,现在进行时表将来时间。它们是:come, go, le**e, start, arrive, move, begin, fall, see, stay, take off等。

例如:your plane takes off at a quarter past two in the afternoon.



decide, say, know, report, think, believe, suppose, declare, announce等。注意:order, suggest, request后的从句中常用虚拟并可省略should的形式。

例如:it is ordered that this design (should) be given up as quickly as possible.

it is announced that two teams will h**e a game in our school.


这类动词常接so/not作宾语,以此回答代表前部的不定式等。它们是:believe, guess, imagine, suppose, expect, hope, would like等。

例如:will it rain this weekend?

i expect so/not.


此类动词常用过去分词,但并不纯表示被动,还表明一种状态。它们是:be surprised, be astonished, be discouraged, be pleased, be disappointed, be frightened, be satisfied, be absorbed in, be born, be dressed in, be devoted to, be seated, be engaged in, be obliged to, be supposed to, be supplied with, be connected with, be equipped with, be married to等。

例如:he has been married to her for 10 years.


2010 4 13 12 15 可可英语 大中小 打印 我要纠错 加入收藏 1.speak of the devil.说曹操曹操就到。有些中文的成语用直接用英文翻出来老美还可以接受,但是 说曹操,曹操就到 这句话要翻可就没有那么容易了。而何况你还要先解释曹操是谁,那难度又更高了。以前我不会 spea...


go to the park 去公园。climb trees 爬树。be quiet 保持安静。do not touch 不要摸。no eating and drinking 禁止吃喝。keep off the grass 不要践踏草坪。no parking 禁止停车。no littering 禁止...


一般来说,小学英语的学习主要涉及一些比较基础的英语知识,掌握好这些基础知识,就能为以后英语的学习打下良好的基础。针对小学英语的特点总结出应该掌握的基本语法,具体包括 词性。动词 名词和形容词在英语里与汉语里有类似,也有区别,不太容易区分,如不能一眼看出,可用如下方法 在一个词前面加量词 不定冠词 一...