正确答案:( we should create a better political environment and a freer academic atmosphereinwhichpeoplecanpursuetruth,exercisereasoningandrespectscience,inwhichthemysteriesof nature, the laws governing society and the true meaning of life can be fully explored. thespirit ofindependence and freedom in thinking is particularly important in academic studies andresearch.
it was in an environment of academic freedom that great scientists like isaac newton,who had aprofound impact on human history, were able to bring out their best, probe issues notquestioned by predecessors and blaze a new trail. in my recent conversation with some chinesescientists, i called for creating an environment which encourages innovation, criticism andrisk-takingandtoleratesfailure, stimulates academic debate.
we h**e always called for respecting the diversity ofcivilizations and advocated dialogue, exchanges and cooperation among them. the late mr. feixiaotong, a well-known chinese sociologist, received his phd at the london school of economicsand political science in the 1930s.
h**ing gone through many vicissitudes in life, he concludedinhislateyearsthat",andworktogethertocreatebeautyintheworld."thesethoughtsbestillustratethe open and inclusive mindset of china today. )解析:
文中关键词有:独立精神,spiritofindependence;学术自由,academicfreedom;文明多样性,diversity of civilizations;学术争鸣,academic debate等。
文中开篇第一句的难点在于断句并找出文中暗含的关系。同学们一般采用的就是全部并列,忽略前后之间暗含的关系,示范译文处理为“in which”的关系。
大力营造敢于创造、敢冒风险、敢于批判和宽容失败的环境”考察的是学生在汉译英时词性转换的能力,译文通过“encourages innovation, criticism andrisk-taking and tolerates failure”意译出原文。
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