《中级口译教程》不知道怎么学?昂立顾微老师来帮你抽丝剥茧!——中级口译教程》重点篇章笔记(下篇)!!配速记**) 2009-08-24 14:22 | 分类:学习考试)
8-1 the silk road
追溯:date back to
朝廷使者: envoy of royal court
西域: xiyu (western countries)
河西走廊: the hexi corridor
塔里木盆地: tarim basin
帕米尔高原: pamir mountain region
阿富汗: afghanistan
叙利亚: syria
地中海: mediterranean
火药: gunpowder
造纸术: ***** ******
印刷术: printing techniques
佛教: buddhism
伊斯兰教: islam
石榴: pomegranate
香水: perfume
历史文物: historical relics
少数民族: ethnic minority
吐鲁番: turpan
工艺: workmanship
风味小吃: local delicacies
8-2 traditional holidays
节庆膳食: holiday meals
象征意义: symbolic significance
贬官放逐: exile
端午节: dragon boat festival
忠臣: loyal minister
糯米粽子: glutinous rice dumpling wrapped in reed le**es
祭祀亡灵: sacrificial offerings for qu yuan’s departed soul
龙舟比赛: dragon boat race
中秋节: mid-autumn festival
满月: full moon
蜜饯: candied preserved fruits
豆沙: bean paste
蛋黄: egg yolk
饺子: dumpling
年糕: niangao (new year cake, thick steamed pudding of glutinous rice flour)
八宝饭: babaofan (steamed sweet glutinous rice pudding)
谐音: be homonymous with
舞狮子: lion dance
踩高跷: walk on stilts
吉祥如意: propitious/ auspicious
元宵节:lantern festival
贴对联: to put up an antithetical couplet
团圆饭: family reunion dinner
8-3 the purpose of education
香港中文大学,简称“中大”: the chinese university of hong kong, cuhk for short
综合性大学: comprehensive university
融汇中国与西方: bring together china and the west
双语教学: bilingual education
书院制度: college system
在……卓然而立distinguish from
主、副修课程: majors’ and minors’ program
交换生: exchange student
相互切磋: learn from each other
继续教育: continuing education
课程设计灵活: program designed with flexible structure
学分制: credit system
充分发挥学生的潜力: bring out the best in every student
又专又博的人才:talents with a balance between depth and breadth
多元教育: multi-faceted education
校训: motto
博文约礼: broadening one’s intellectual horizon and keeping within the bounds of propriety
出自《论语》: sth is taken from the analects of confucius
兴于诗, 立于礼, 成于乐: it is by the odes that the mind is aroused. it is by the rules of propriety that the character is established.
it is from the music that the finish is received.
陶冶性灵: touch the soul and cultivate the spirit
潜移默化: influence the temperament unobtrusively and imperceptibly
通识教育: all-round education
学而后识礼: moral propriety follows naturally intellectual development
校徽: emblem
高贵: nobility
坚毅: perseverance
9-1 the road to a prosperous city
articulate: 阐明。
lifeblood: 生命线。
multifaceted: 多面的。
disruptive: 破化性的。
sell policies: **保单。
cluster of innovation: 创新产业聚集地。
underpinning: 基石。
internship: 实习。
nurture the rising tide of entrepreneurs through mentoring: 对业界新秀进行帮教。
rationalize the regulatory environment: 完善法制环境。
stifle change: 扼杀变革。
innovation is the core of the nation’s competitiveness: 创新是一个国家的核心竞争力。
secure one’s position: 稳固某人的位置
9-3 the university spirit
knowledge-based economy: 知识经济。
extract the best and explore the greatest: 取精用弘。
uninhibited minds: 开放的思想。
the frontier of discovery: 探索的前沿。
disseminate knowledge: 传播知识。
fanciful visionary: 浮想联翩的思想家。
revolutionary explorer: 富有革命精神的探索家。
uninhibited executor: 无拘无束的实干家。
12-4 community service
国际学术研讨会:international symposium
社会保障事业: undertaking of social security
奠定物质基础: provide a firm material foundation
就业机制: employment mechanism
结构性失业: structural unemployment
国际劳工组织: international labor organization
联合国开发计划署: united nations development program
维护合法权益: protect the legal rights
街道委员会: residential district committee
里弄居民委员会: neighborhood committee
民政部: ministry of civil administration
社会福利: social welfare
远景目标纲要: outline of long-range objective
不足之处: weak link
非**组织: non-governmental organization
14-1 双边经贸。
**自由化: trade liberalization
公正地配置资源: allocate resources more effectively and fairly
多边**体制: multilateral trading system
国际经济新秩序: new international economic order
造福人民: the benefit of people
**摩擦: trade frictions and disputes
明智态度: wise manner
实实在在的利益: tangible economic benefits
获利丰厚: make a handsome profit
驰名品牌: famous brand
零售企业: retailing firms
不可逆** irreversible
互补性: enjoy complementarities
据统计: statistics show
劳动密集型: labor-intensive products
低资本产品: low-value products
自动数据处理: data processing equipment
家用电器: household electric appliances
劳动力成为优势: labor cost advantage
美中**逆差: us trade deficit with china, 顺差:f**orable balance
人民币汇率: rmb exchange rate
知识产权: intellectual property right
**远瞩的战略眼光: take a strategic perspective of vision and foresight
奠定坚实的基础: lay a solid foundation for
工商业界: business communities
切实有力的措施: take forcible policy measures
14-2 asian cooperation
博鳌亚洲论坛:bo’ao forum for asia
博大精深: profound
亚太经合组织: apec
东盟: asean
重要渠道: important channel
独到见解: insightful view
全方位合作: develop all-round cooperation
次区域合作:sub-regional cooperation
形成良性互动: well complement each other
自我封闭: self-reclusive
排他性集团: exclusive cooperation
新跨越: new leap forward
恪守入世承诺: honor wto commitment
有步骤地扩大开放领域:open more areas in a step-by-step manner
关税壁垒: tariff barriers
完善法制: improve rule of law
透明的市场环境: transparent market environment
可预见的: predictable
实施“走出去”战略: carry out “going global” strategy
勤劳智慧: diligent, talented
自强不息: be persistent in self-development
口译教程 数字的译法。旺旺英语 数字的译法有以下几点注意 一,口译中经常遇到数字,没有经过训练的人往往会出错,这是因为汉语和英语数字表达的方式不同。汉语是个,十,百,千,万,十万,百万,千万,亿,十亿 也就是以 十 的倍数来表示 而英语则是在数字超过千以后,以 千 thousand 的倍数来表达的。...
第一阶段 笔试。1.需要书籍 a。中级口译听力教程。b。中级口译翻译教程。c。中级口译历年真题 选带答案解释的版本 d。中高级口译口试词汇必备。2.复习过程 推荐先后顺序如下,可根据个人情况调节 a。听力复习 做听力教程,翻阅口试词汇必备。听力主要靠教程提高,然后真题练手感。备考期间也可适当听听bb...
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