
发布 2021-04-25 21:08:28 阅读 9500



1.使用适当的时态 2.适当的语态 3.

使用不定式 4.使用过去分词 5.使用v.

+ing形式 6.使用名词性从句 7.使用状语从句 8.

使用定语从句 9.使用虚拟语气。

10.使用强调句,倒装句,感叹句 11.使用并列句


1. 改变时态。

the bell is ringing now. (一般)

2. 改变语态。

people suggest that the conference be put off. (一般)

3. 使用不定式。

he is so kind that he can help me. (一般)

4. 使用过去分词。

she walked out of the room and many students followed her. (一般)

once it is seen, it can never be forgotten . 一般)

5. 使用v-ing形式。

when he arrives please give me an e-mail. (一般)

if the weather permits, i’ll come tomorrow. (一般)

now our school has three teachers. they teach 48 pupils. (一般)

6. 使用名词性从句。

it disappointed everybody that he didn’t turn up. (一般)

i happened to h**e met him. (一般)

to his surprise, the little girl knows so many things. (一般)

7. 使用状语从句。

i won’t believe what he says. (一般)

if you come back before six o’clock, you can go out. (一般)

the meal was very nice. we all enjoyed it very much. (一般)

8. 使用定语从句。

the girl is spoken highly of. her composition was well written. (一般)

i studied chinese, maths, english, physics, chemistry and computer at school. (一般)

9. 使用虚拟语气。

the ship didn’t sink because there were the efforts of the captain. (一般。

i wasn’t invited to the party, so i didn’t attend it. (一般)

10. 使用强调句、倒装句、感叹句。

regular radio broadcasts began in 1920. (一般)

though i’m weak, i will make the effort. (一般)

we were glad to see the crops and vegetables growing very well. (一般)

11. 使用并列句。

if you go through the gate, you’ll find the entrance to bear country. (一般。

when he spoke, he felt more and more excited. (一般)

i got up late this morning. i didn’t catch the early bus. (一般)


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