英语作业 二 翻译keys

发布 2021-04-18 19:50:28 阅读 1743


1. 由于大火的结果,成千上万的人失去了家园。

as a result of / because of the fire, thousands of people lost their homes.

2. 你能说英语,我也能。

you can speak english, and so can i.

3. 我妈妈叫我做作业,而不是洗碗。

my mother asked me to do my homework instead of washing dishes.

4. 在公共场合,不允许人们吸烟。

people aren’t allowed to smoke in public places.

it is not alllowed to smoke in public.

smoking is not allowed in pubilc.

5. 我英语发音方面有些困难。

i h**e some difficulty in english pronunciation.

h**e difficulty in sth (doing sth)

6. 明天晚上我要到机场去送我姨妈。

tomorrow evening i’m going to the airport to see my aunt off.

7. 有时,英语口语完全不同于英语书面语。

sometimes spoken english is completely different from written english.

8. 每年我花费二百元买书。

i spend 200 yuan on books every year.

spend ..on sth ; spend ..in doing sth

it costs me me 200 yuan to buy books …

9. 我们学校图书馆将为学生们提供各种类型的书。

the library of our school will supply all kinds of books to the students.

supply sth to sb.

provide sth for sb.

provide sb. sth

offer sb. sth

offer sth to sb. (afford)

10. 一年级的学生的英语学习从abc开始学起。

the students of junior one begin to learn english with abc.

11. 许多人在这次车祸中丧生,仅有少数幸运者没有受伤。

a lot of people lost their lives/died/ dead xxxx in the accident. only a few lucky ones were not injured. didn’t

12. 玉米最先在美国种植。

corn was first grown in america.

13. 飞机比火车重20倍。

the plane is twenty times he**ier than the car.

14. 你离开家乡有多久了?

how long h**e you been away from your hometown?.

15. 吃新鲜的蔬菜和水果对你的健康很有益。

eating fresh fruits and vegetables is good for your health.

16. 由于老师的帮助,他考上了一所名牌学校。

thanks to the teachers’ help, he could enter a famous college.

17. 我每隔两天(每三天)去那里一趟。

i go there every three days.

18. 外面在下大雨,可是我认为我们还是该出去了。

it is raining hard, however, i think we should go out.

19. 这份英语报纸深受英语学习者的欢迎。

the english ***** is popular with the english learners.

20. 到目前为止我们没有取得成功。

so far we h**en’t had any success.


the thief broke away from the policeman and ran away.

22. 人们认为他是一个热心肠的人。

he is considered to be a warm-hearted man.


i find him very funny.


how are you getting along with your studies?


he used to like country music, but now he prefers jazz.


the young trees are growing well.


where h**e you been all these years?


i’ll get the students to make a plan for learning a foreign language.


the book was once very popular but nobody reads it today.


he prefers to stay at home rather than meet her.



you’ll miss the train unless you hurry up.


people who do research on earthquakes think it not safe to build houses on sand.


the number of the people who lost homes reached 5,000 in the earthquake last year.


is this the book you bought yesterday?


when you speak english, you must make yourself understood.


do you think it difficult for him to answer these questions?


it is reported that another new school has been set up in that area.


he wanted a box in which he could keep books.


jack has two sisters, one of whom is a nurse.

10. 你越表扬他,他工作越努力。

the more you praise him, the harder he works.


he has bought some tapes which go with the book.


there was a time when women could only stay at home.


you’d better take an umbrella in case it rains.

英语作业 段落翻译

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