1all the world extended best wishes to master kenneth brown of philadelphia, who by musicians and critics. he has an excellent chance to become a successful andperhaps famous adult.
全世界的人给费城的kenneth brown大师送去最好的祝福,在他八岁的时候因为他的以色列狂想曲被众所周知,这个交响曲是被费城的交响乐团演奏的,受到了**家和评论家的称赞。他有一个极好的机会成为一个成功的也许是著名的成年人。
2through the ages child prodigies h**e been regarded by the “old wives” of traditionas unnaturally or diabolically gifted, apt to burn out young and land on the junk pile. thefigures donotbearthisout. most exceptionallybrightchildren growinto exceptionallybright adult.
3for nearly forty years themilwaukee journal
library has kept a “child prodigies” than a hundred names are listed --boys and girls who broke into the news at agesthree to twelve as poets, musicians, mathematics wizards, university students. more than90 per cent of these names are forgotten by the world. some of the cards, however, carryfamiliar names:
yehudi menuhin, eight; ruth slenczynaska, six; philippa schuyler, are now grown up, from their twenties into their forties and all h**e become notedmusicians.
4in a study of three hundred men and women of genius, dr. catherine m. cox and children, even though this fact had not always been recognized.
the belovedauthor oliver goldsmith, for example, was pronounced by his earliest teachers to be “dull,stupid,ahe**yblockhead,littlebetterthanafoolwhomeverybodymadefunof.”
actually, the teachers were too obtuse to understand the overly sensitive child; at homehe was writing with surprising skill and astonishing his family.
1 试题序号 1007 2 题型 段落翻译。3 难度级别 中。4 知识点 章及其标题 第1课 the middle eastern bazaar 5 分值 10分。6 所需时间 1200秒。7 试题关键字 iagreetosomeextentwith historians are prone to ...
1 十年之前,南希做了许许多多美国人梦寐以求的事。她辞去了经理职位,在邻近地区开了一家家用器具商店。像南希那样的人做出了这种决定主要是想改善生活质量。然而,经营小本生意绝非易事。在失去稳定的收入后,南希不得不削减日常开支。有时候甚至没有钱支付她所需要的种种保险的费用。幸运的是,通过自己的努力,她已经...
第四单元。一位球迷的评论比尔 普拉施基。这封电子邮件在某些方面与我收到的其他刻薄的信件相似。它痛斥我对洛杉矶道奇队的评论,并争辩说我把一切全都搞错了。然而,这个评论与其他的评论至少有两个方面不同。与通常那些 你是个白痴 的评论不同的是,这一评论含有更多的细节。它包含了该队比赛表现的关键数据。写这篇评...