
发布 2021-04-18 10:24:28 阅读 8358

1 我试图发言,但被告诫保持安静。

i attempted to speak, but was told to keep quiet


this program is aimed at teenage audiences

3 他们把注意力集中在人口的增长上。

they concentrated their attention on population growth.

4 孩子们逐渐开始接纳她为家中的一员。

children gradually began to accept her as a member of the family

5 我几年前就听说过这个人,但是从没见过他本人。

i h**e heard of this man for some years, but i had never seen him in the flesh.

1 我喜欢浅色,特别是浅黄色。

i like the light colors, in particular, light yellow

2 这个句子完全讲不通。

the sentence makes no sense


many foreigners welcome exchange students into their homes

4 我们班的学生大部分是女生。

our class is mostly made up of girls.

5 我们的食物很快就要用尽了。

our food will soon run out

1 电脑应付不了这样的负荷而崩溃了。

the computer couldn’t handle the load and crashed.

2 老师们正在实验新的教学法。

teachers are trying out new teaching methods.

3 那女孩英语说的很地道,好像就是土生土长的美国人。

the girl can speak pure english as if she were a native american .

4 只要保持镇静,我们就能够想出怎么做,并做出更好的决定。

by staying calm we’ll be able to think about what to do and make a better decision.

5 他时常以魔术逗他的孩子们高兴。

he often delighted his children with magic.

6 当那只鸟复员后,我们就把它放走了。

when the bird got well , we let it out.

1 他虽然做过各种努力,但还是失败了。

in spite of all his efforts , he failed.

2 你不记安全带真的有危险。

you are really at risk if you don’t wear a seat belt.

3 孩子们很快就会适应新的环境。

children are quick to accustom themselves to new surroundings.

4 我已经决定去美国度假。

i’ve decided on going to america for my holidays.

5 每次我遇到麻烦时,他总会帮我解决。

he always helps me out every time i’m in trouble.

6 你要不要去散步?

do you feel like taking a walk?

1 那是五月里一个晴朗的日子。

it was a fine day in may.

2 对敌人怜悯是危险的。

it’s dangerous to h**e mercy on enemies.

3 很明显他们是反对我们的提议的。

it is obvious that they are opposed to our suggestion.

4 午饭准备好的时候是十二点。

it was at 12 o’clock when lunch was ready.

5 是在十二点准备好午饭的。

it was at 12 o’clock that lunch was ready.

1 比赛因天气原因而延期。

the game was put off due to the bad weather.

2 由于他的粗心大意,他可能会被公司开除。

he is likely to be fired by the company just because of his carelessness.

3 我希望你们都别抱怨了。

i wish you’d all quit complaining.

4 是因为误了车他才未能按时上班的吗?

was it because he missed the bus that he didn’t go to work on time?

5 如果你不加倍努力,你就无法通过考试。

you won’t pass the exam unless you work harder.

1 就学习而言,质比量更重要。

as for study, quality is more important than quantity.

2 他尽其所能帮助那个女孩树立信心。

he did what he could to help the girl to build up her confidence.

3 女人往往比男人更长寿。

women tend to live longer than men

4 轿车现以11,000美元的均价销售。

cars are being sold at an **erage price of 11,000 dollars.

5 他的粗心驾驶导致了事故。

his careless driving leads to accidents

1 我认为学好英语并不困难。

i don’t think it is difficult to learn english well.

2 据报道,明天将有暴风雪。

it is reported that there will be a storm tomorrow.

3 天气变化对比赛没有多大的影响。

the change of weather made little difference to the game.

4 只要不放弃,你一定会成功。

as long as you don't give up, you will succeed.

5 我不知道你是如何忍受他们无休止的争吵的。

i don't know how you put up with their constant quarreling.

1 他抬起手臂保护脸不被打到。

he raised his arms to protect his face from the blow.

2 这栋老宅被烧毁了。

this old house was burnt to the ground .

3 我刚要出门,这是天开始下雨了。

i was about to go out when it started to rain

4 他们朝市中心走去。

they msde their way to the center of the city.

5 你完全正确。

you are absolutely right .


it is said that this is the best book, but i don’t find it interesting.

2 他很有语言天赋。

he has a great gift for languages

3 他们当中有两个是外国人。

among them are two foreigners

4 长途步行后,我总是用热水洗脚。

after a long walk, i always bathe my feet in hot water.


temperature changes/varys with seasons .


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