
发布 2021-04-17 19:39:28 阅读 8744



注意:n=nurse; s=student)

思路点拨】1. 定基调




语言符合口语特征,一些补白表达,如well, you know, yeah等的使用会使对话自然、流畅。



2. 谋布局、写句子。

3. 成篇章。

n: hello, my boysn

sns答案。2. 谋布局、写句子。

1) what’s the matter with you / what’s the trouble with you / what’s wrong with you / what happened to you

2) there is lots of blood on my cut

3) i will help you run the cut under water

4) put a bandage on the cut

5) you should h**e a good rest

6) remember to keep your cut clean

3. 成篇章。

n: hello, my boy! what’s the matter with you?

s: i hurt my knee playing soccer.

n: did you fall down?

s: yes. look! there is lots of blood on my cut.

n: don’t worry. i will help you run the cut under water first.

s: ok. is this serious?

n: no, it’s not serious. i will put some medicine on your cut and then put a bandage on it.

s: ouch, my knee hurts a lot. what should i do?

n: don’t move around a lot. you should h**e a good rest.

s: oh, i know. thank you.

n: well, remember to keep your cut clean and change medicine every day.


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