
发布 2021-04-17 12:54:28 阅读 7758


1) 主语+谓语。


.it is raining now.

.we’ve worked for 5 hours.

.the meeting lasted half an hour.

.all of them work hard.

.it often snows here in winter.

.time flies.


act, come, go, le**e, study, work, last, grow, fall, cry, blow, disappear, appear, smile, rise, ring, reduce, read, play, pass, open, close, live, look, listen, laugh, hurry, speak, talk, sleep, run, retire, graduate, return, fly, end, die, cover, cost, care, burn, agree, jump, fail, gather, wait, succeed, stay, stand, sit, lie, shine, happen, fit, take place, meet, show up, break down, break out, turn up, die away, give out run up


1. 让我们立即行动起来。(act)

2. 我不能这样做。(act)

3. 他们就像没事儿似的。(act)

4. 乌云地沉沉的,天下着大雪。(fall)

5. 他永远活在我们心里。(live)

6. 他家就在马路那边。(live)

7. 他过一两个星期就来。(come)

8. 麦子长势很好。(grow)

9. 我英文学得不错。(do)

10. 房间里燃烧着熊熊的炉火。(burn)

11. 我们在海滩玩了一个下午。(play)

12. 恰好他身边有钱。(happen)

13. 王大爷的话还在他脑中回响。(ring)

14. 慢慢地她脸上露出了一丝笑容。(appear)

15. 过了一会儿,来了个警察。(appear)

16. 雨停了。(stop)

17. 你的衣服很合身。(fit)

18. 下午四点半我们回到了学校。(return)

19. 背起书包我急忙赶到学校。(hurry)

20. 他满面笑容。(smile)

suggested answers

1. let’s act immediately.

2. i can’t act this way.

3. they acted as though nothing happened.

4. dark clouds hung overhead, and a he**y snow fell.

5. he will always live in our heart.

6. he lives across the street.

7. she will come over in a week or two.

8. the wheat is growing well.

9. she did well in english.

10. a bright fire is burning in the room.

11. we h**e played the whole afternoon on the beach.

12. he happened to h**e some money on him.

13. uncle wang’s words still rang in his head.

14. gradually a smile appeared on her face.

15. a policeman appeared after a short while.

16. the rain has stopped.

17. your clothes fit well.

18. we returned to our school at half past four pm.

19. i hurried to the school with my bag.

20. he is smiling all over his face.

2) 主语+谓语+宾语。

5①主语+谓语+宾语(从句/ 代词/ 不定式/ 动名词)

主语+谓语+宾语+人+物(或物+to/ for+人)


在这类结构中,也可带上一个意义合适的状语。有一类动词介于第一种和第二种句型之间,既可作及物动词又可作不及物动词来用,如:he smiled.

(他笑了笑。) he smiled his thanks.(他笑了笑表示感谢。

)不及物动词须带宾语时,要在它的后面放上一个合适的介词,一般有固定的搭配。如:he is looking at me. (他正看着我。)

动词带两种结构中的哪一种是由这个动词的用法决定的,千万不能根据汉语来想当然,也不能根据一个动词来推断另一个动词的用法及搭配,不然就容易把句子结构写错。如:“我希望他明天来”,就不能写成i hope him to come tomorrow.

而应译为:i hope (that) he will come tomorrow./ i wish/ expect him to come tomorrow.


i want to catch the 1:30 train. vt. 不定式。

a seven-hour drive brought us to the great wall. vt. 代词。

the river broke its banks. vt. 名词。

he ordered himself a glass of coffee. vt. 人物。

i’m sorry to h**e kept you waiting. vt. 宾语宾补。

he said that he was a worker 3 years ago. vt从句。

we should practise speaking english every day. vt. 动名词短语。


1. 医生劝我不要抽烟。(advise)

2. 解放前有很多人上不起学。(afford)

3. 让我向你介绍一下我们的系主任。(allow)

4. 又有人敲门,我去开门。(answer)

5. 要是你能帮这个忙,我将非常感激。(appreciate)

6. 我们安排好今天下午参观一个展览。(arrange)

7. 他要求给他更多工作做。(ask)

8. 他决定亲自出席这次会议。(attend)

9. 盼来信。(look forward to)

10. 这家工厂是在2023年由一些家庭妇女办起来的。(start)

11. 到那里时,记得给我们写信。(remember)

12. 他差点给一辆卡车压着。(miss)

13. 这男孩赶紧过去搀扶老太太。(support)

14. 先让我向你们表示最热烈的欢迎。(express)

15. 这里的一切给我们留下了很深印象。(strike)

16. 这使我想起了我的童年。(remind)

17. 这些大大改善了他们的劳动条件。(improve)

18. 她在7项比赛中得了两个第三名。(win)

19. 祝一路平安。(wish)

20. 吃点这个,可以防止你感冒。(prevent)

suggested answers

1. the doctor advised me not to smoke.

2. before liberation many people could not afford to go to school.

3. allow me to introduce you to the head of our department.

4. there is another knock. i’ll go and answer the door.

5. i’ll appreciate it if you can do us that f**or.

6. we h**e arranged to visit an exhibition this afternoon.

7. he asked to be given more work to do.

8. he decided to attend this meeting in person.

9. looking forward to hearing from you.

10. the factory was started in 1958 by housewives.

11. you must remember to write to us when you get there.

12. he just missed being run over by a truck.

13. the boy hurried to support the old woman.

14. first allow me to express our warmest welcome to you.

15. we were struck by what happened here./ what happened here struck us.

16. this reminded me of my childhood.

17. all this/ these greatly improved their working conditions.


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