
发布 2021-05-11 10:33:28 阅读 1407



1)what + n. phrase + subject + be / v. !

这里的名词短语有以下三种可能:a、 a / an + adj. +名词单数 b、adj. +名词复数 c、adj. +不可数名词。

what a lovely boy he is! what sweet flowers they are!

what cold weather it is!

2) how + adj. +the + n.(单数、复数、不可数)+ subject + be / link-v.

how lovely the boy is! how sweet the flowers are!

how could the weather is! how smooth the silk feels!


有时, 在上下文明确的情况下,可以省略how后面的形容词。

how (fast / well)the students work! how well / beautifully)she sings!


1) 反意疑问句一般遵循:前面肯定,反意部分否定、前面否定反意部分肯定的原则。

he likes playing football, doesn’t he?

you don’t watch tv in the evening, do you?


she doesn’t speak english, does she?

yes, she does.(不,她讲英语的) no, she doesn’t. (是的,不讲)

2)祈使句的反意部分用won’t you?/ shan’t we? 或will you?/ shall we? 但常用will you?/ shall we?

lend me a hand, will you? let us pass through the room, will you?

don’t make any noise, will you? let’s play tennis now, shall we?

3)含有否定意思的副词:hardly、no、not、never、seldom、little、scarcely 等,属于准否定词,用于句中时,该句即为否定句。

he hardly goes home on sundays, does he?

the little boy seldom tells lies, does he?

但是像unfair、useless、impossible、dislike等词,虽然也有否定意思,但由于它们是在一个词前加前缀dis- /im- /un- 等或在词后加后缀 -less构成的,不属于准否定词。当这些词用于句中时,该句并不是否定句,即:反意部分仍然用否定式。

you dislike the way he speaks, don’t you?

it is impossible to finish the work in three hours, isn’t it?

4) must 表示推测时,反意部分用must后面的动词的相应助动词形式。

he must know both english and french, doesn’t he?

she must h**e know the answer to the question, hasn’t she?

they must h**e visited the farm last week, didn’t they?

注意:a、let me引起的祈使句,反意部分用will you? /won’t you? /may i。

b、当陈述部分的主语是:—body或—one 构成的不定代词时,反意部分的主语用he或they;是—thing 时,用it。

c、i am ….的反意部分用aren’t i?

3、双宾语:有些英语动词可以接双宾语,句式为: subject + vt.

+sb.(间接宾语)+ sth.(直接宾语) 英语中,能接双宾语的常用动词有:


can i ask you a question, sir? she made me a model ship for my birthday.

注:带双宾语的句子可以被改为 subject + vt. +sth(直接宾语)+ 介词 + sb. 的形式。

其中的介词,常用的有:to、 for、 of ….归纳如下:

另还有:play a joke / trick on sb ; play a game with / against sb.

excuse me, you demand too much from / of me.

may i ask a question of you?

4、句型:subject + link-v. +n. /adj.


显得:look , appear , seem

变得:become , come , fall , get , go , grow , run , turn

持续是:continue , keep , remain , stand , stay

听(闻、尝、摸)起来:sound, smell, taste, feel


his words proved right. the dish smells wonderful.

5、有些动词不表示动作,而表示事物的特性,用主动形式表示被动含义,这类动词有: wash, write, sell, drive, feel, hang….等。

some pictures are hanging on the wall.

this kind of car drive smooth and fast.

the pen writes well so sells well.

各个击破】1. _nice weather it is! let’s go out for a walk, shall we? (04西城4月)

a. howb. how ac. what ad. what

2. —nothing wrong with it04 南京质检)

—no. yours is a special-built model. drive carefully, though.

it takes time to run in a new car.

a. is itb. has itc. are theyd. is there

3. he had little idea that it was getting so late04 长春调研)

a. didn’t heb. wasn’t itc. did hed. was it

4. polly must be unhappy without me, _she?

a. mustb. isc. mustn’td. isn’t

5. i’m late, _

a. am i b. am not ic. aren’t i d. aren’t you

6. let’s go to the cinema, _

a. shall web. will youc. will wed. don’t we

7. —she didn’t come to school yesterday, did she?

though she was not feeling very well.

a. no, she didn’tb. yes, she didn’tc. no, she did d. yes, she did

8. —alice, you feed (喂) the bird today, _

— but i fed it yesterday.

a. do youb. will youc. didn’t youd. don’t you

9. the boy is unlike his mother, _he?

a. isb. isn’tc. doesn’td. does

10. do be careful when you cross the street, _you?

a. don’tb. aren’t c. will d. must

简单句:daadc adbbc

英语语法 简单句

知识点 1.简单句。概念 只有一套主谓系统的句子。组成 主干成分 修饰成分。2.主干成分含有主语 谓语或谓语动词 宾语 表语 补语。要特别注意表语和补语的概念 表语 位于系动词之后的对主语的描述成分。became a lawyer.解析 became在句中担任表语成分,因为它是一个系动词。补语 用来...


一 简单句。基本形式 简单句的基本形式是由一个主语加一个谓语构成。其它各种句子形式都是由此句型发展而来,如五大基本句型 1.主语 谓语。这种句型简称为主谓结构,其谓语一般都是不及物动词,例 things change.事物是变化的。nobody went.没有人去。did you go by sea...

英语语法入门 简单句的结构

很多人常常说,英语句子每个单词都认识,连在一起不知道什么意思。其实就是因为句子结构没搞懂。如果你只要想把英语读得懂 写得出 说得对,都必须掌握英语的句子结构。很多人学英语学了10年,随便说一句英语,都无法判断这句话究竟是对是错,这是很悲哀的。且不说你说的好不好,用词精彩不精彩,仅仅是对错就没搞懂,如...