
发布 2021-05-18 05:00:28 阅读 1186


wants to know something __the training at b. byc. aboutd. to译文:他想知道一些有关培训机器的事情。

from time to time keep their heads __the on b. abovec. below d. down译文:游泳的人不时地把头露出水面。

bridge was laid __the river.

a. throughb. overc. acrossd. cross译文:河上修了一座大桥。

will discuss the lecture __for b. after c. in d. with


5. she was dozing with her back __the against b. on c. at d. near译文:她背靠在椅子上打盹。

road runs __the river.

a. aroundb. throughc. atd. along译文:这条路沿着这条河。

will be __home tomorrow if you'd like to in b. in the c. at d. at the


will meet you again __the by b. on c. for d. at译文:我这个周末还能见到你。

may win the first prize. he has started __the speed of 80 at b. of c. on d. in


__its cost, the plan is a good asideb. apartc. apart from d.


the term ends __july.

a. on b. beforec. betweend. at译文:学期七月之前结束。

12. _english, he knows french and german.

a. besideb. besidesc. except d. except that译文:除了英语,他还会说法语和德语。

13. we usually h**e sports __4 o'clock and 5 o'clock in the among b. in c.

for d. between

译文:我们通常在下午四点到五点进行体育锻炼。 house lies __the woods.

a. beyondb. atc. besides d. on译文:这栋房子在森林的那一边。

15. i came here __tom's car, not __by, by b. in, on c.

in, by d. in, at译文:我是坐汤姆的车来的,不是坐船来的。

16. he has not been teaching here __ten in b. for c. with d. beyond译文:他已经十年没有教过书了。

17. "i h**en't seen mary these days.""she has been absent __schoolfor two weeks."

a. to b. in c. at d. from


”18. come and see me __two day's for b. after c.

in d. during译文:两天后来看我吧。

19. should typing be introduced __the curriculum?a.

into b. for c. by d.


20. spending the money, he felt __

a. as if a wealthy man b. as though a wealthy man c.

as a man ofwealthy d. like a wealthy man


21. "will eddie use his brother's bicycle?""no, he wants one __a. for himb. of his

ownc. his aloned. only of himself


”22. she got __the bus when it reached the off b. of c.

ind. at


23. it happened __the morning of the at b. on c. in d. from


24. it has been __a year since we last heard from for b. before c. over d. after


the teacher is very good __the childrena. to b. at c.

for d. with译文:老师对孩子们特别的好。

is __treatment at the to b. as c. ford. under译文:她正在医院接受**。

27. the children are gazing at the squirrel __the on b. at c. from d. up


28. _all the representatives still not there, the meeting was postponedfor several months.

a. withoutb. with c.

by d. because译文:因为有代表缺席,所以会议被延后几个月举行。

29. she left the classroom __saying a that b. not c.

ford. without译文:她没说一句话离开了教室。

30. his death was __heart for b. due to c. in d. on译文:他死于心脏病。

31. he improved his spoken english __

a. by the way b. on the way c. by the means d. in a way译文:他通过这种方式提高了他的口语水平。

judge set out together with them __the lost in search for b. in a search of c. in search of d.

looked for译文:那个法官跟他们一起出发去找那头失踪的骆驼了。答案


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