
发布 2021-04-16 06:54:28 阅读 1896



课程名称: 高级英语。

英文名称:public management and administration: an introduction

课程性质:学分学时:credits: 3; 32 hours

授课对象:(说明专业年级)mpa 行政班。

课程简介:this course provides an introduction to, and assessment of, the theories andprinciples of public management, particularly the public sector reformsassociated with the movement most often referred to as "the new publicmanagement" and compares and contrasts these with the traditionalmodel of public administration.


选用教材:公共管理导论(public management and administration: an introduction)

考核方式与成绩评定:考试方式:**; 出勤10%、平时30%、期末成绩60%



第一章 an era of change

教学目标和要求: paradigm and paradigm shift: public administration and publicmanagement

教学时数:4 hours

教学方式:delivery and discussion

准备知识:new public management


1. the emergency of a new paradigm in the public sector;

2. fundamental principles of traditional public administration;

3. administration and management;

4. imperatives of change

作业与思考题:what is a new paradigm?what are imperatives of change?

第二章 the traditional model of public administration

教学目标和要求: to understand the traditional model of public administration; to understand problems with the traditional model

教学时数:4 hours

教学方式:delivery and discussion

准备知识:wilson, taylor and weber theories


1. the evolution of public administration;

2. the reform of public administration in the nineteenth century;

3. the problem of political control

4. the problem of one best way;

5. the problem of bureaucracy;

6. the public choice critique

作业与思考题:what are the problems with traditional model of public administration?

第三章 public management

教学目标和要求: to understand management and management approach;to understand managerialism in public sector

教学时数:4 hours

教学方式:delivery and discussion

准备知识:management and functions of general management


1. the meaning of management;

2. the management approach;

3. the public management reforms;

4. theoretical bases of management;

5. criticisms of managerialism

作业与思考题:what is managerialism and managerial approach?

第四章 the role of government

教学目标和要求: to understand the role of government;to understand instruments of to understand basic functions of government

教学时数:4 hours

教学方式:delivery and discussion

准备知识:government and its functions


1. the need for a public sector;

2. market failure as basis for public policy;

3. instruments of government;

4. basic functions of government

5. the size of government debate

作业与思考题:what are the instruments of government? what are the basic functions of government?

第五章 public policy and policy analysis

教学目标和要求: to understand public policy and policy analysis;to understand two approaches of public policy;to understand the relationship between public policy and administration and management

教学时数:4 hours

教学方式:delivery and discussion

准备知识:empirical methodology; inductive and deductive method


1. public policy,administration and management;

2. policy analysis;

3. empirical methods

4. policy process models

5. limitations of the policy analysis approach

6. political public policy

作业与思考题:what is public policy and policy analysis? what are the two public policy approaches?

how is a policy processed?

第六章 public management in developing countries

教学目标和要求: to understand whether managerialism is applicable in developing countries, to understand the traditional model in developing countries;to understand the public management reforms in developing countries

教学时数:4 hours

教学方式:delivery and discussion

准备知识:the public administration in developing countries


1. the traditional public administration model in developing countries;

2. problems of the administrative model;

3. the public management reforms in developing countries

4. problems of the managerial model in developing countires

作业与思考题:is managerialism applicable in developing countries?

第七章 accountability

教学目标和要求: to understand the meaning of accountability;to understand accountability in both public and private sector; to understand a managerial model of accountability and its problems

教学时数:4 hours

教学方式:delivery and discussion

准备知识:managerial accountability


1. accountability in the private sector;

2. accountability in the public sector;

3. accountability in the traditional model;

4. a managerial model of accountability;


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