
发布 2021-04-15 23:51:28 阅读 8706

英文名称:english writing b


1. 课程性质:《英语写作b》为英语专业学科基础课程,为英语专业本科二年级必修课程。


2. 教学方法:课堂教学和训练为主,课后练习和辅导为辅。

3. 课程学习目标和基本要求。




4. 课程学时:27学时

5. 课程学分:1.5学分。

6. 课程类型:学科基础课。

7. 考核方式:考试

1. 先修课程:《精读a》、《精读b》、《泛读与写作a》

8. 适用专业与年级:英语专业本科二年级。


第一章 coordination and subordination(学时数:3)

知识点: 1. coordination:

coordinating conjunctions, patterns of coordination, conjunctions and the accompanying punctuation in compound sentences, **oidance of excessive coordination

2. subordination: subordination to show the emphasis of the main statement, subordination to **oid choppy sentences and to break up lengthy compound sentences, ways of subordination, **oiding inverted subordination, **oiding excessive overlapping of subordinate constructions, **oiding expressive subordination

重点:conjunctions and the accompanying punctuation in compound sentences; subordination to show the emphasis of the main statement, ways of subordination, **oiding inverted subordination, **oiding excessive overlapping of subordinate constructions

难点:to **oid excessive coordination; use subordination to **oid choppy sentences and to break up lengthy compound sentences

第二章: sentence variety(学时数:2)

知识点: sentence variety: varying the beginning of sentences, varying the kinds of sentences, varying the length of sentences

重点: to vary the kinds of sentences

难点: how to achieve sentence variety in writing

第三章 paragraph development-1(学时数:3 )

知识点: logical reasoning, sequences of paragraph development, three special paragraphs; tips on excellent writing

重点: three special paragraphs

难点: different ways to write the introductory paragraph well

第四章 ten-sentence writing model (学时数:2)

知识点:how to write according to the ten-sentence model

重点: the organization of the ten-sentence model

难点: various sentence patterns in the ten-sentence writing model

第五章 internal structure of a paragraph (学时数:4)

知识点: internal structure of a paragraph (unity): the topic sentence, other kinds of unity, checklist for paragraph unity; internal structure of a paragraph (coherence):

coherence through pronoun reference, coherence through repetition, coherence through transitional words and phrases, coherence between paragraphs, checklist for paragraph coherence; internal structure of a paragraph (completeness)

重点:how to **oid irrelevant sentences in paragraph writing; how to write the topic sentence well; coherence through transitional words and phrases, coherence between paragraphs;

难点:how to make a paragraph more unified; how to achieve paragraph unity; paragraph completeness

第六章 paragraph development-2 (学时数:4)

知识点: methods of paragraph development: development by time, development by space, development by examples, development by process, development by classification, development by comparison and contrast, development by causal analysis, development by definition, development by mixed methods

重点: developing a paragraph by examples; developing a paragraph by classification; developing a paragraph; by comparison and contrast; development by causal analysis

难点: developing a paragraph by definition; developing a paragraph by mixed methods

第七章 diction(学时数:9)

知识点: diction: using exact and fresh word; overcoming chinglish; using figurative language (simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, irony); using an appropriate level of diction; using words economically; overcoming chinglish

重点: the ways to choose the exact words; various ways to make expressions more concise; how to overcome chinglish

难点:how to use specific words; how to **oid wordy expressions; how to **oid erroneous subject


教材:麻保金,a college english writing course(vol. i & vol. ii),河南大学出版社,1999。


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