
发布 2021-04-04 13:35:28 阅读 2306


英语试卷。命题人: 李娜罗佳妮审题人: 李珊珊。

总分 120分时量 120分钟。

听力技能 (共两节,计25分)


1. what did tony do in the mountains?

a. hikingb. swimmingc. camping.

2. what did roger like best?

a. newsb. cartoonsc. movie.

3. how often does the man play basketball?

a. once a weekb. twice a weekc. three times a week.

4. where is the boy’s t-shirt?

a. on the bedb. on the chairc. on the sofa.

5. what does tina’s father do?

a. an engineerb. a workerc. a doctor.


6 . what does the man do?

a. a writerb. a workerc. a player.

7. when will the book be finished?

a. in more than two days. b. in one or two days. c. in one or two weeks.


8 when are they going to do tomorrow evening?

a go to a concert. b. go shopping. c. go swimming..

9. how are they going there?

a. by busb. by foot.


10: why does the man call the woman?

a. he has some math problems. b.

he will go to america next month. c. he will visit england.

11. what does mary ask d**id to bring to manchester because of the weather?

a. an umbrella. b. a raincoat. c. some beijing duck.

12. how does d**id get to manchester from the airport?

a . mary will give him a ride. b .

d**id will take a bus. c . d**id will get to manchester on foot.


) 13. what’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

and patient. and student. c. husband and wife.

) 14. what’s the matter with paul?

a. he’s not good at geography. b. he has trouble learning english.

c. he failed in his science exam.

) 15. how can he improve his pronunciation?

a. by listening to the tape. taking notes in class. c. by ****** word cards.

第二节笔录要点 ( 5小题,计10分)




21. there’s __university on the other side of the river.

a. a b. an c. the

22. the woman has a __daughter.

a. three years old b. three-year-old c. three-years-old

23. look! the students __a class.

a. h**e b. are h**ing c. had

24. i really like the countryside.__fresh the air is!

a. how b. what c. what a

25. -must i do the cleaning now?

-- no, youyou can do it after supper.

a. shouldn’t. b. mustn’t c. needn’t

26. -i failed in the exam again! i really don’t know __

-- don’t worry. let me help you.

a. what to do b. how to do c. what to do it

27. -hey, you! get away!

talk like this, young boy. it’s rude.

a. not b. not to c. don’t

28 --i’m sorry to hear that. i hope he’ll be all right.

a. is sent b. was sent c. was sending

29do you play tennis?

-- about once a week.

a. how long b. how much c. how often

30. -slumdog millionaire” is wonderful!

-- i agree. it’s the best movie __i’ve ever seen.


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