
发布 2021-04-04 13:36:28 阅读 4732


九年级英语 2012.5.28









1. —what do you think of 30th olympic games?

i am sure it will be success.

a. /ab. the; ac. thed. /

2. —james is unhappy these days. what can we do to

— what about going for a picnic with him this sunday?

a. cheer up him b. cheer on himc. cheer him upd. cheer him on

3. —has peter finished his homework today ?

— sorry, i don’t know . heit this morning.

a. didb. has donec. was doingd. had done

4. —would you likecup of coffee?

—no, thanks. i’ve had enough.

a. anotherb. otherc. othersd. the others

5. —i hear some dogs can do things __man.

that’s not true. they are only dogs.

a. as good asb. as well asc. as soon asd. as careful as

6. —susan, why are you here ? they are already to start .

i’m sorry, but i __when to le**e .

a. didn’t tellb. am not toldc. wasn’t told d. h**en’t told

7. —simon, how old is your father this year ?

and we just had a birthday party for his __birthday last week .

a. fortieth; forty b. forty; fortieth c. fourty; fortieth d. fortieth; fortieth

8. —people __overweight need more water than thin people .

— is that so ? it’s time for me to drink water .

a. who isb. that arec. which isd. which are

9will you finish reading the english news***** ?

—in a few minutes .

a. how long b. how farc. how oftend. how soon

10. —we are free now. let’s go and play computer games.

well. i think i’d better watch an english programme __

a. eitherb. thenc. tood. instead

11. how __the wonderful music __

a. relaxed; soundsb. relaxing; is sounding

c. relaxing; soundsd. relaxed; sound

12. we h**e to get to the station before 11:45 we can catch the 12:00 train.

a. sinceb. afterc. as soon asd. so that

13. —huangyan island is __the southeast of china and __the west of the philippines .

— of course, all of us chinese think so .

a. in ; tob. to, inc. in; ond. on; in

14. —i seem to be lost. could you tell me __

—sure. you can take the no. 3 bus to get there.

a. where is the nearest post officeb. how long it will take me to the airport

c. how i can get to the national museum d. how far is my trip to the olympic village

15. —would you please come to our english party next saturday ?

but i h**e to join in another one that day. thank you all the same .

a. with pleasure b. what a pity c. go aheadd. that’s ok

二、完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)


it was a winter afternoon. some friends and i were eating at a restaurant and talking. we talked and talked and soon 16 became the topic.

suddenly i came up with an idea. “wouldn’t it be fun to go swimming? others go 17 in winter, but why couldn’t we?

18 , we could be healthier if we did.” i told them about this, and they all said it was a good idea 19 .

early the next morning , we four were standing at the bus stop, with bags in our hands 20 for a bus to take us to the sands. the sky was clear, the sun was shining, but it was very cold all the same. 21 our he**y overcoats were not enough to keep us warm.

we all felt we should go 22 but no one wanted to speak out .

we soon reached the sands. there was nobody there, but we were not discouraged. instead we were 23 that we were the only ones that dared to challenge(挑战) the weather.

24 we changed our clothes quickly.

but things were not going so smooth .the freezing sea wind was blowing. we felt very cold and tremble(颤抖) all over.

at last we made up our minds to 25 into the water. we put our feet in first, only to take them back very quickly. the water was unbelievably cold.


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