
发布 2021-03-09 05:50:28 阅读 1213


unit 1


this summer 这个夏天 go back 返回,回去visit some museums 参观一些博物馆 go swimming 去游泳。

in the river 在河里 make cakes 做蛋糕。

what did you do this summer? i went back to canada

when did you come back? i came back last tuesday.

did you go to see your grandparents? yes, i did./no, i didn’t

i played with my friends.

it look only two hours by bus.

what can i do for you!

unit 2

young man 年轻人 my neck 我的脖子 stand on my bead 倒立 hurt my neck 伤了我的脖子

practice kungfu 练功夫be interested in 对。。。感兴趣 take an x-ray 拍x光片 take a walk 散步 too much 太多。

why did you stand on your head? because i wanted to practice kungfu.

what happened to you! i hurt my right leg.

what did you say? i said you should stop eating too much.

what’s wrong with you, young man?

you hurt yourself again!

i h**e a stomachache.

unit 3

in school 在学校 come back 回来返回 at the airport 在机场 be upset 失望的,难过的 by air 乘飞机 do some shopping 购物 by bus 乘公共汽车 many years ago 许多年以前 ride horses 骑马。

where did you go last weekend? we flew to hangzhou.

how did you go to hangzhou? we went there by air.

who invented those vehicles? some smart people did.

i’m sorry to hear that.

how was your trip to hangzhou, mike?

there were no ships, trains, or planes.

tr**eling in the old days was very slow.

五年级。unit 1.


a bottle of water 一瓶水 over there 在那边 a fairy tale 童话故事 science fiction 科幻**

wait a minute 等一下。

chicken or fish, which do you like betters ling ling? i like fish better.

meat is my f**orite . i like meat best.

which class do you like best, yang yang? i like english best.

i do best in english.

i like reading too, but i like drawing better.

lets go and pay.

unit 2

stay at home 呆在家 wait for 等待 say that again 再说一次

pass me the blue crayon 递给那只蓝色的蜡笔。 finish one’s homework 完成某人的家庭作业

half past four 四点半 tidy one’s room 打扫某人的房间 water the plants 给植物浇水。

would you like to come to my house?

can i use your computer yang yang? sorry, you can’t.

shall we clean them this afternoon? yes, let’s clean them.

unit 3

moon cakes 月饼 the chinese calendar 中国农历 climb mountains 爬山 dress up 打扮 knock on doors 敲门

trick or treat 不给糖就捣蛋。

when is the mid-autumn festival ling ling? it’s on the fifteenth day of the eighth month in the chinese calendar.

it’s on the fifteenth day of the eighth month in the chinese calendar. we eat chongyang cake on that day.

can you tell me more about it? well, children dress up at night.

unit 4

chinese 语文 english 英语 maths 数学 drawing画画 fish 鱼 moon cakes 月饼 room 房间 easy 容易的 useful 有用的 interesting 有趣的 sweet 甜的 yummy 美味的 clean 干净的 bright 明亮的 candies 糖果 october 十月。

i like maths because maths is useful. 我喜欢数学,因为数学很有用。

children dress up on halloween。孩子们在万圣节前夕打扮。

it’s the spring festival. 这是春节。

we eat jiao zi. 我们吃饺子。

we go to the spring festival fair. 我们去春节庙会。

三年级。unit 1

句型短语。the first 第一 the second 第二 the third 第三 the fourth 第四。

welcome back to...

today is the first day of september.

it’s our first day of school.

it’s time for...

is the second class chinese? yes, it is.

when is teacher’s day? it’s september the tenth.

unit 2

what’s the tenth month in english? it’s october.

what is the date today? it’s october the thirteenth

are you going to run a race? yes. i am.

run a race 赛跑 do the high jump 跳高 do the long jump 跳远 jump the rope 跳绳。

unit 3 and unit 4

every year.每年 h**e a birthday 过生日。

when is your birthday? it’s in march.

when was grandma born? she was born on june 15th.

how old is your girl? she is eight.

how old is he/she? he/she is...

is your first class english? yes, it is./no, it isn’t.


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