
发布 2021-02-07 03:15:28 阅读 2961



(女士,小姐),miss(小姐),sir(先生),madam(女士、夫人),gentleman(先生),gentlemen(gentleman的复数),lady(女士),ladies(lady的复数),young lady(年轻的女士),young gentleman(年轻的先生)(间接)the lady with you(和您一起的女士),the gentleman with you(和您一起的先生),that lady(那位女士),that gentleman(那位先生)


2)good morning/afternoon/evening,sir/madam!(早上好/下午好/晚上好,先生/夫人!)

3)how are you today,sir?(您好吗,先生?)


4)welcome to the winter flower/our restaurant.(欢迎光临冬之花/我们的餐厅。)

5)we're glad to see you again.(很高兴又见到您。)


6)may i h**e your name,please?(可以告诉我您的名字吗?)

7)your initials,please?(请告诉我您姓名的首字母。)

8)may i take your order now?(可以点菜了吗?)

9)may i h**e your signature here,sir?(请您在这里签名。〕

10)may i know whom i'm talking to?(请问您是哪位?)(打**时用)

11)may i be of(your)service,madam?(请让我为您服务,夫人。)

12)may i recommend our … to you,sir?(先生,我向您推荐……。13)how about a …?怎么样?)

14)would you like me to book you a …?为您预订……,可以吗?)

15)would you like to sit by the window?(您喜欢坐窗边的位置吗?)

16)would you like to h**e a cup of tea?(您来一杯茶吗?)

17)is there any thing else i can do for you,madam?(夫人,您还有什么需要吗?)

祝愿/祝福(expressing good wishes):

18)h**e a pleasant stay with us,madam.(愿您和我们共度好时光。〉

19)h**e a nice day/a pleasant evening/a good weekend!(祝您今天/今晚/周末愉快!)

20)enjoy your stay/day.(祝您愉快!)(21)happy new year/birthday!(新年/生日快乐!)

22)merry christmas!(圣诞快乐!)

对一般祝愿的回答(answers to good wishes):

23)you too,mr./ms./mrs./miss. ×也祝您愉快!)(24)the same to you,sir/madam.(也祝您愉快!)

致谢(expressing thanks):

25)thank you very much.(非常感谢!)(26)thank you for coming.(谢谢您的光临!)

27)thank you for being so understanding.(谢谢您的理解。)(得到谅解时用)

28)that's very kind of you. thank you very much.(您真是太好了!谢谢!)

对致谢的回答(answers to thanks):

29)you are welcome.(不用谢!/别客气!/乐意为您效劳!)

30)with pleasure.(不用谢!/别客气!/乐意为您效劳!)(31)my pleasure.(不用谢!/别客气!/乐意为您效劳!)

32)thank you.(用升调)(不用谢!/别客气!/乐意为您效劳!)

33)glad to be of service. please feel free to contact us anytime.(很高兴为您服务,请随时与我们联系。)


34)excuse me.(不好意思,打扰一下!)(打扰客人时)(35)i'm awfully sorry.(真是很抱歉!)

36)i beg your pardon,sir.(请您原谅!)(37)excuse me for interrupting.

(抱歉,打扰一下。)(不得不打扰客人时)(38)sorry to h**e bothered you.(抱歉,打扰了!


39)i'm very sorry. there could h**e been a mistake. i do apologize.


40)i'm sorry. a guest is waiting for me.(抱歉,有个客人正在等我过去。)(终止谈话时用)

41)i'm sorry. i'm being called.(不好意思,有人叫我/有个**找我。)(终止谈话时用)

42)i'm sorry to h**e kept you waiting,sir.(抱歉让您久等了!)(让客人久等时用)

43)i'm sorry. the restaurant is fully booked.(很抱歉,餐厅己经订满了。)

对致歉的回答(answers to apology):

44)that's all right.(没什么。)(45)it doesn't matter.(没关系。)(46)it's nothing.(这没什么。〉


47)let me show you.(我给您带路吧。/我指给您看。)(48)this way,please.(请这边走。〉

49)it will be on your right hand side. you can't miss it.(就在您的右手边。您会看到的。)

50)go straight ahead.(直走。〉(51)go down to the lobby.(往下走到大堂。)

52)please take the 1ift to the 3rd floor.(请乘电梯到三楼。)

53)turn left/right at the first exit.(在第一个出口向左/右拐。〉


餐饮产品营销的基础 餐饮营销。餐饮产品营销的基础。餐饮产品的营销必须遵循以下几个基本的基础 1树立顾客满意观念。第一,要树立顾客满意的观念。我们前面无数次地提到了顾客满意的观念,这个观念是说,我们之所以设计各种各样的产品,创造各种各样的服务方式,目的只有一个 提高顾客满意度。让顾客感受到他所购买到的...


1 sit down,please.here is the menu.may i take your order,sir?请坐,给您菜单。先生,您要点菜吗?2 what would you like to h e,coffee or tea?您要喝咖啡还是茶?3 would you like to ...


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