
发布 2020-12-22 08:16:28 阅读 3799

unit6 how long h**e you been collecting shells? 学案。

section a period one (1a-2c)


知识目标:单词:collect, shell, skate, since, marathon, 词组:

how long, collect shells, a pair of,句型:1. -how long h**e you been skating? 2. -how long did you skate?

i’ve been skating since/fori skated for two hours.

能力目标:1.学会谈论做某事持续多长时间“how long…”。

2.学习现在完成进行时态,它表示从过去开始一直持续到现在,有可能还要持续下去的动作,常与for, since, how long等词连用。其结构为:h**e\has been + 动词-ing

3.since与for的用法和区别。since+ 某一时刻的词,短语或从句,for+ 一段时间的词或短语。



5.滑冰马拉松6.collect shells7.a pair of


1. my best friend bought me a p __of skates for me on my birthday.

2. my hobby is to cstamps (邮票). there are about five thousand stamps.

3. lisa has been studying english s___she was six years old.

4.was this your first skatingm?r?θ?n]?

选做题。一.用since 或for 填空。

1. sarah has been sleepingeight o’clock.

2. he has been drawingfour hours.

3. his uncle has been teaching chinesehe was twenty years old.

4. i h**en’t gone for a walk in the parka long time.


1. -how long h**e you beenskate)? i h**e been skating for seventeenminute).

2. maryh**e) been shopping for two hours.

3. my sister got a pair ofskate) yesterday.

4. when did youstart) class today?

5. i likecollectshell) very much.


a:alison, congratulationswinning the skating marathon!

b:thank you.

a:so, howdid you skate today?

bsix hours!

a:was this yourskating marathon?

b:no, i skateda marathon last year.

a:you’re an excellent skater, alisonyou skate every day?

b:yes, i do.

a:how long h**e youskating?

bi was seven years old. i got my first of skates on my birthdaymy grandmother.

八年级下unit6 how long h**e you been collecting shells? 学案。

section a period two (3a-4)


知识目标:单词:raise, several, skater, charity

词组:talk to, three and a half years三年半, raise money for… 为…筹钱,for whole five hours整整五个小时, the+序数词+to do sth 第几个做…

句型:1.i’m talking to you from the hilltop school skating marathon.

2.the skating marathon has been going for five hours now.



a: ye lansport do you __

b: tennis.

a: when did you __

bi was eleven.

a: so __h**e you been playing?

b: three and a __years.

二.阅读课本p46的3a, 判断正(t)误(f)。

1. the skating marathon is in the hilltop school

2. the students are skating to raise money for their english summer camp

3. for every hour the students skate, each student raises fifteen yuan for charity

4. the skating marathon has been going for six hours now. (

5. alison was the first to start


1. they’ll sell their old books to rmoney for the poor children.

2. he has studied for s几个的) months before the exam, so he’s sure he can pass it.

3. the wcountry was excited when the olympic games was held (举办) in china.

4. she is an excellentskeit?].


1. you, talking, from, to , the bird’s nest(鸟巢),i’m

2. alice, first, start, to, was, person, skating, the

3. has, jim, been, for, skating, hours, six

4. money, charity, i, to, raise, h**ing, a, sale, bake, for, am

5. sport, do, play, what, you


1. 从今早六点起,我的爸爸就一直在田间劳动。

my fatherin the fieldthis morning.

2. 自从他中学生以来,他就一直在学英语。

he has __learning english __he was a middle school student.

3. 他有几个好友,但不太多。 he has __good __but not

4. 戴夫打网球已有两年半了。 d**e has been playing tennis for

5. 那个女孩一直哭了整整两个小时。 the girl has been crying __the __two __


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