三年级英语阅读理解 打印 讲课教案

发布 2020-11-28 01:24:28 阅读 8763



amy name is tim. i’m 10. i’m a pupil.

my idol(偶像) is my father. he’s a doctor. he helps many people.

i learn a lot from him. my mother is a beautiful lady(女士). she works(工作) in a shop.

mary is my sister. she’s 2. i love my family.

i h**e(有)some friends at school. they are tom, paul and alice. they are all 10.

)1. how many people are there (有多少人)in tim’s family?

a. 4b. 3c. 2

)2. _is tim’s sister.

a. tomb. alicec. mary

)3. tim’s father is a __

a. workerb. driverc. doctor

)4. paul is __

a. 8b. 9c. 10

)5. which one is right(哪句话是正确的)?

a. mary is tim’s friend. b. paul is tim’s friend.

c. alice is tim’s sister.

ba: excuse me(请问), mike. is this your school bag?

b: no, it isn’t. my school bag is blue. it’s on my desk.

mum, it’s tim’s, i think. tim’s school bag is green.

a: where’s tim?

b: he’s in the toy room.

a: oh, i see. good night, my dear.

b: good night, mum.

) 1. a is

a. mikeb. timc. mike’s mum

) 2. what colour is the school bag in mum’s hand(在妈妈手里)?

a. it’s blue. b. it’s green. c. it’s white.

) 3. where(**) is mike’s school bag?

a. in the deskb. on the desk. c. under the desk.

) 4. this story happens(发生。

a. in the morning b. in the afternoon c. in the evening

) 5. which one is right(哪句话是正确的)?

a. mike’s school bag is green. b. tim’s school bag is blue.

c. mike and tim are a family.

ca: good evening, liu tao.

b: good evening, mike.

a: happy birthday.

b: thank you. look at my new jacket.

a: how cool! this present is for you.

b: what’s this?

a: it’s a robot.

b: wow, it’s blue. it’s my f**ourite(最喜欢) colour. thank you so much!

it’s 5 o’clock. let’s h**e dinner.

a: ok.

b: would you like a hamburger?

a: yes, please.

b: what about a glass of juice(一杯果汁)?

a: no, thanks. i’d like a glass of water( 水).

b: here you are.

a: thank you.

) isbirthday.

a. liu tao’s b. mike’s c. robot’s

) 2. b’s wearing(穿) a

a. blue jacket b. red jacket c. new jacket

) 3. b’s got(得到) a present. what is it?

a. it’s a jacket. b. it’s a robot. c. it’s a hamburger.

) 4. what’s the time(时间) now?

a. it’s 5 o’clock in the morning. b. it’s 5 o’clock in the evening.

c. it’s 6 o’clock in the evening..

) one is right(哪句话是正确的)?

a. mike would like a hamburger and a glass of juice.

b. liu tao would like a hamburger and a glass of juice.

c. mike would like a hamburger and a glass of water.

d根据**,判断下列句子是否与**中相符, 用“√或 ×”表示。



扩词,扩句朋友=伙伴仿佛=好像喜欢=喜爱一(条)彩虹一(堆)杏一(朵)花一(只)鸟( )1. tim would like a robot.


一( 幅 )画一(束)鲜花一( 座)天安门一(艘)**一幅画一个家一座山一朵云一片云( )2. mike would like a ball and a cd.

) 3. helen would like an ice cream and a robot.

) 4. tim and john would like a cd.

) 5. mike would not like an ice cream.


miss liu: hello, boys and girls. happy new year!

boys and girls: happy new year! miss liu!

miss liu: su hai, your new coat is so nice. it’s red, i like red too.

su hai: thank you.

mike: this present is for you, miss liu.

miss liu: thanks! wow, chocolate! i like chocolate very much.

is this robot for su hai?

mike: no, this is for my brother, tim. that cd is for su hai.


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