
发布 2020-03-06 06:46:28 阅读 8073


1. 判断正误,写“t”或“f”。

2. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。

3. 根据短文内容回答问题。

4. 根据短文内容填空。

5. 根据短文内容填写**。


exercise 1

一、read and judge(读短文,用“t”或“f”判断下列句子的正误,然后回答问题)

look, this is peter. he is a tall boy. he’s a pupil.

he’s eight years old. peter has a little sister. her name’s mary.

she is three years old. she is beautiful. she is small.

look, she’s smiling(微笑).

) is a short boy.

) is a teacher.

) is peter’s sister.

) is three years old.

) is happy.

6. is peter a short boy

7. how old is peter

8. does peter h**e a sister

9. is peter’s sister beautiful

10. is peter a pupil

二、read and judge(读短文,用“t”或“f”判断下列句子的正误,然后回答问题)

hello, my name is peter. i am eight. look, this is my room.

it’s small but (但是) it’s clean. there is a desk in the room. there is a bag on the desk.

one, two...there are six books in the bag. there is a clock on the wall(墙).

what time is it? it’s nine o’clock.

)1 peter is six years old.

) room is big and clean.

) is a clock on the desk.

) are 6 books in the bag.

) 8 o’clock

6. does peter h**e a room

7. is there a desk in the room

8. what is on the desk

9. is there a clock in the bag

10. what’s the time

exercise 2

1、read and judge(读短文,用“t”或“f”判断下列句子的正误)

hello, i’m alice. i’m eight. i’m a girl.

i’m tall and fat. this is my mother. she is tall.

she is thin. this is my father. he is big.

he is tall and fat.

)1. alice is a girl .

) is 9 years old.

) is tall and thin .

) mother is tall and fat.

) father is tall and thin.

6. what’s the girl’s name

7. is alice thin

8. is alice 8 years old

9. is alice’s mother fat

10. is alice’s father big

2、read and tick(读短文,根据文章内容在相应的空格中打勾)

i am kitty. i am small. i am short.

i am happy. ben and alice are my good friends. they are tall.

they are big. i h**e a dog. its name is sam.

it is sad. it is hungry. my grandma is not sad.

she is happy.

read and judge(读短文,用“t”或“f”判断下列句子的正误)

my name is kitty. i am ten. i can ride.

i can skip. i can clean the windows, too. this is my classroom.

i can see many(许多) desks in it. it is big.

) is 11 years old.

) can not ride.

) can clean the windows.

) classroom is small.

) can see many kites in the classroom.

6. what can kitten do

7. is kitten helpful

exercise 3

一、read the passage(读短文,完成练习)

i h**e a good friend. her name is lucy. she is six years old.

she is tall but she is thin. her father is a doctor. he’s tall and fat.

he has got a new car. her mother is a teacher. she likes reading.

she is a good teacher. lucy has a big ball. it’s yellow.

i like it.

and judge(读短文,用“t”或“f”判断下列句子的正误)

) is my good friend.

) is tall and fat.

) father is a teacher.

) mother has a ball.

) ball is big and yellow.

and answer.(读短文,回答问题)

old is lucy

is lucy’s father

has lucy’s father got

does lucy’s mother like

colour is the ball

二、read the passage(读短文,按要求完成练习)

this is the twins’(双胞胎的) bedroom. it is a nice room. there are two beds in the bedroom.

this bed is for lily’s. it’s red. that yellow bed is for lucy.

the twins h**e one desk and two chairs. their clock(她们的), books and pencil-boxes are on the desk. their schoolbags are behind(在。

的后面)the chairs. some nice flowers are on the desk. some nice pictures are on the wall.

the bedroom is very nice.


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