
发布 2020-11-26 07:30:28 阅读 3134



)1. 当别人向你说“thank you!”时,你应说:

a. nice to meet you! b. good morning! welcome!

)2. 当你想询问对方多的年龄时,你应说:

a. what’s your name? b. who are you? c. how old are you?

)3. 当别人称赞你的衣服漂亮时,你应说:

a. thank you. b. not at all. c. you’re welcome!

)4. 当你请对方吃苹果时,你应说:

an apple, please. i h**e an apple? apple is red.

)5. 在下午向人问好时,你应说:

a. good morning! b. good afternoon! c. where are you?

)6. 当别人对你说“how are you?”时,你应说:

a. how are you? b. nice to meet you. c. i’m fine, thank you.

)7. 当你询问对方的名字时,你应说:

a. how are you? b. what’s your name? c. how do you do?

)8. 当别人对你说“where is your nose””,你应说:

a. here it is! b. my nose is red. c. i h**e a nose.

)10.当别人对你说“good bye!”时,你应说:

a. see you! b. morning! c. thank you!


1. 你喜欢果汁,你会说。

a. i like juice. b. i like rice. c. i like hamburgers.

2. 当你用水招待你的朋友,你会说:(

a. here you are. b. i like french fries. c. h**e some water.

3. –i’d like some milk, please

a. here you are. b. thanks c. h**e some milk.

4. 递给别人东西时,你会说。

a. thank you. b. here you are. c. ok!

5. –can i h**e some cakes

a. here you are. b. thanks c. h**e some milk.


1. pennosebag

2. faceeyeorange

3. handbookruler

4. monkeymouthdog

5. waterteathree

6. armredgreen


1、here you are . thank you

2、i like milk

3、can i h**e some milk

4、happy birthday to you

5、how are you ? fine, thank you

6、how old are you

7、a: let's eat the birthday cake.

b: great

8、a: how many gifts?

b: four

二、think and write.(按顺序默写字母表,大小写)

viii. read and number(读一读,标序号。)

1. ten 2. fish 3. panda 4. duck 5. leg 6. hand

7. ruler 8. crayon 9. rice 10. three


) here you are.

) you’re welcome.

) thank you.

) can i h**e some water, please?


unit5let seat 单元教学目标 1.本单元以点餐为话题展开学习句子 i dlikesome h esome canih esome 2.学习一些食物类的单词 juiceeggmilkbreadcakefishricewater 3.听懂一些简单指令并做出反应 h


by jessica zhang 1 考考自己 自己能在最短的时间内听听 说说 读读下列单词吗?本单元都是形容词,可以用it s 来表达 表示长度时用long,short 表示高度时用tall,short 反义词 fat胖的 thin瘦的tall 高的 short矮的。small 小的 big大的l...


期末考试临近了,各科都已接近了尾声,开始了紧张 有序的复习工作。那么同学们是怎么复习英语的呢?下面老师总结了几点有效的方法,希望对同学们有所帮助。首先,复习要以课本为主,对所学的英语知识进行 查漏补缺 同时要注意单词 词组 句型的过关,侧重于课本的复习与梳理,课本快速地过一遍,归纳重点,对各单元的知...