
发布 2020-11-04 15:10:28 阅读 4536

unit 5 there is a big bed

一、单词。房间里的陈设:clock时钟 plant植物 bottle瓶子 waterbottle水瓶 bike自行车 photo相片。

表位置的词:infrontof在…前面 between在…之前 above在…上面 beside在旁边 behind在…后面。

其他:there表示存在或发生 lots of = a lot of许多,大量 flower花 live居住 move into搬进 dirty肮脏的 nature自然界 in the nature park在自然公园里everywhere到处,处处。

二、句型。a nice photo!(感叹句:好美的**!)

s in the room? (房间里面有什么?)there is a bed in the room.

are so many pictures! (有如此多的**啊!)

father can draw very well.(非常棒,非常好)

are lots of(许多) flowers in the house.

want to go home.(want to 想要) are later for school.( be later for 迟到)

三、发音 字母组合ai 和 ay 在单词中的发音

ai / ei / rain rainy rainbow paint wait

ay / ei / say way birthday day always today may

四、语法。"there be" and "h**e/has"表存在,“有”。

there be句型包括there is和there are。 there is a …后面跟名词单数,表示一个。there are后面跟名词复数,表示多个。


there is a big bed in my room. there is a book on the desk.

there are many flowers in my room. there are two photos in my room.

h**e/has 表示“某人有某物”。 如:

i h**e a ruler. you h**e an apple.

he/she has a photo. it has a long nose. (has单三)


in on beside behind in front of over between above

如:thereisaclockinmyroom. there is a ruler on the desk.

there are some plants beside the table. there is a dog behind the house.

there are many photos in front of the desk. there is a bridge over the river.

there is a book between a ruler and an eraser. there is a light above the desk

unit 6 in a nature park?

一、单词。forest森林 river河流 lake湖泊 mountain高山 hill山丘 building建筑物tree树 bridge桥 village村庄 city 城市 house房子 boating船 goboating划船。

二、句型。s go to the forest.(让我们一起去森林吧!let's=let us 让我们)

there a river in the park?(单数句)

there any lakes in the park?(复数句)

isn't a lake in the park. (否定句)

there aren't any lakes in the park.

三、发音 字母组合ou和 ow在单词中的发音。

ou /au/ house mouse sound count mouth south about around

ow /au/ wow cow flower down

四、语法。答:最有效的方法就是集焚烧、堆肥、热解、制砖、发电等一体的统合系统,但是焚烧垃圾对空气有污染。①“there be”句型的一般疑问句形式及肯否定回答:

10、由于人口迅速增长、环境污染和全球气候变暖,世界人均供水量自2024年以来开始减少,而且持续下降。 a.(单数句) there is a river in the park.


16、大量的研究事实说明生命体都是由细胞组成的,生物是由细胞构成的。我们的**表面,每平方厘米含有的细胞数量超过10万个is there a river in the park?(一般疑问句)

8、对生活垃圾进行分类和分装,这是我们每个公民应尽的义务。 肯定回答:yes, there is. 否定回答:there isn't.(is not=isn't)

小结: 单数句肯定句变疑问句只需将is 和there互换位置,该大写的大写,标点符号由句号变为问号。


(复数句)there are some tall buildings in the nature park.

9、淡水是我们人类和其他生物生存的必需品,但是地球上的淡水资源十分有限,地球上的多数地区缺水are there any tall buildings in the nature park?

肯定回答:yes, there are. 否定回答:there aren't.(are not=aren't)

小结:复数句肯定句变疑问句只需将are 和there互换位置,some变为any,该大写的大写,标点符号由句号变为问号。

年,英国科学家罗伯特。胡克用自制的复合显微镜观察一块软木薄片的结构,发现它们看上去像一间间长方形的小房间,就把它命名为细胞。②“there be”句型的否定句形式;

1、我们每天都要消耗食物和各种各样的生活用品,与此同时,也产生了许多垃圾。a.(单数句)there is a lake in the park.( 肯定句)

3、我们在水中发现了什么微生物呢?(p18there isn't a lake in the park. (否定句)

b.(复数句)there are some lakes in the park.( 肯定句)

9、月球地貌的最大特征,就是分布着许多大大小小的环形山,环形山大多是圆形的。关于环形山的形成,目前公认的观点是“撞击说there aren't any lakes in the park. (否定句)

小结:“there be”句型肯定句变为否定句时,需要在be后面加not(isn't, aren't),复数句中的some变为any 。


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unit 5 there is a big bed 一 单词。房间里的陈设 clock时钟 plant植物?bottle瓶子?water?bottle水瓶 bike自行车?photo相片。表位置的词 in?front?of在 前面?between在 之前?above在 上面 beside在旁边 be...


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