
发布 2020-11-26 07:27:28 阅读 9212




five, t-shirt, two, english book, son, chinese book, kangaroo

seven, owl, lion, quail, rooster, uniform, vest, mango, mother,doughnut, mosquito, coffee, honey, father






) 1. i like and bananas. a. pears b. pear

) 2. i like ice-cream. ab. an

) 3. what’sa. these b. this

) 4. it’s elephanta. a b. an

) 5. is that skirt? a. your b. you

) 6. show the story book, please. a. i b. me

) 7. this is bike. a. my b. me


1. that, is, what

2. like, oranges, i

3. don’t, i ,like, mangoes

4. you, do, like, fruit

5. is, this, skirt, your

6. bread, show, me, your


) 1. 游园时,小弟弟不知道远处的动物是什么,他这样问你:

a.who’s that? b. what’s that?

) 2. peter 到你家做客,你给他橘子吃,你说:

a. h**e an orange, please. b. i like oranges.

) 3. peter 婉言谢绝,并表示他不喜欢吃橘子,他应说:

a. no,thanks. i don’t like oranges. b. yes, please. i like oranges.

) 4. 当你形容一件物品很大时,你应该说 :

a. it’s coolb. it’s big.

) 5. 明明找你借橡皮时,你递给他时说:

a. thank you. b. here you are.

) 6. 你想知道你手中的那件裙子是不是小静的,你应说:

a. is this your skirt? b. is that your skirt?

) 7. 如果是小静的,她应该回答。

a. yes, it isb. no, it isn’t.

) 8. 你询问那边的t恤衫是不是小华的,你这样问:

a. is this your t-shirt? b. is that xiao hua’s t-shirt?

) 9. 如果不是小华的,他应说。

a. yes, it isb. no, it isn’t.

) 10. 我喜欢我的裙子,我应该说:

a. i like my skirt. b. i like my t-shirt.


1. i like __鸡蛋). 2. i don’t like __苹果)or __香蕉).

2. i like __咖啡)and面包). 4. h**e a蛋糕).

5. do you like __水果6. i like甜面圈).

7. i h**e a热狗8. i don’t h**e an鸡蛋).

9. a: i like apples. what about you?

b: i don’t likei like芒果)

10. a: h**e a蛋糕)

b: no, thanks. i don’t like蛋糕) i like冰淇凌)

11. a: do you like it? bi do. what __you?

a: ilike eggs. i like蛋糕)


1. a. do you like apples? b. h**e a peach, please?

c. what do you liked. here’s an apple for you.

e. no, thanks. i don’t like peaches. f. yes, please.

g. thank you very much.


2. a. yes, it isb. here you are.

c. excuse med. thank you.

e. is this your coatf. no, it isn’t. this is my sweater.

3. a. what colour is your jacket? b. look at the jackets.

c. is that your jacket, peter? d. it’s blue and white.

e. here’s your jacket. a blue and white one.

f. no, it isn’t. g. thank you. h. you are welcome.



三年级英语期末复习 单词类练习姓名。一 找出单词对应的中文意思连线4 特征类。1 动物类2 食物类 3 水果类thin 高的。lion 大象 milk 米饭 orange 雪梨 tall 胖的。elephant 狮子 meat 鱼 apple 橙子 big 瘦的。tiger 熊猫 noodles 牛...


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