
发布 2020-11-20 04:46:28 阅读 9259

unit6 do you like bananas?

period 3 (section b 3a–self check)



1)词汇:runner,eat, well, run, star, lot, healthy, dessert, list(2)词组:lots of

3)句型:running star sandra clark eats lots of healthy breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas and apples.




同音词形容词 (复数)__二、阅读3a,翻译下列句子。

1.for breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas and apples.

2. and for dinner, she has chicken, tomatoes, french fries and, for dessert, ice cream三、完成下列练习。

1. what does sandra like for dinner2. does she like salad for lunch345四、合作研讨1.

chicken, n.

1)小鸡,可数名词,复数形式为2)鸡肉,不可数名词,如:a piece of chicken我家有很多小鸡。there are manyin my home.

2. for breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas and apples.


用定冠词。吃早/午/晚饭2)for breakfast是介词短语,意为”对于/就早餐而言”,放在句首,也可放在句尾i like rice and tomatoes.对于午餐而言,我喜欢吃米饭和西红柿。

早、午、晚餐吃什么,用h**e…. for breakfast/lunch/dinnerihamburgerbreakfast.3.

runners eats well!跑步运动员饮食健康。


如:work___工人)write___作家)read___读者)teach___教师) of = a lot of“许多”,既可以修饰可数名词复数,也可以修饰不可数名词。【跟踪训练】

)1.tom likes eggs, oranges and bananas __breakfast.

a. inb. ofc. ford. on()2. there are __fruits on the table.

a. lots ofb. lot ofc. a lotd. lots for()3. for __lunch , she has some hamburgers.

a. ab. anc. thed. /4.—let’s h**e oranges

sound sound sounds sounds good

) 5. let’s

a. go homeb. to go to homec. go to homed. to go home() 6like french fries.

a. he and ib. i and hec.

he and med. i and him() boy __hamburgers very much. so he eats a lot.

a. likeb. likesc. don’t liked. doesn’t like() hasegg andhamburger.

a.an, anb.a, ac.an, ad.a, an() is ashop. it sells bananas, apples, pears and oranges.

a.vegetableb.foodc.fruitd.drink() is someon the table.



六、完成课本35页3b, 3c


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