小学教育 2023年五年级英语第三单元测试题

发布 2020-11-14 11:34:28 阅读 3591


(1)1. yellow ab. /

)2. flag ab. /

)3. fish ab. /

)4. menu ab. /

)5. sweet ab. /

)6 . health ab. /

)7. brown ab. /

)8. mouth ab. /

)9 peach ab .

)10. tasty ab. /


about2. tomato noodles---

3. would like4. h**e to

5 . sound good6.就午餐来说。

7. 我最喜爱的8.又新鲜又好吃---

9. 青豆10.健康的食物。


( )1. i like bananas ,-they’re fresh and yummy.

a. but b . because c, and

) 2. do you like tofu ? yes , i --

a. do b. am c. would

) 3. -f**ourite fruit is tomato .

a. i b. my c. me

) 4. i likethey’re sour .

a . ice-cream b. watermelons c .grapes

) 5. he --noodles and potatoes for lunch on thursday .

a . h**e b. has c. eat

) 6. what’s your f**ourite food ? i like --

a. onions b . mutton c. peaches

) 7. i like beef , i’m he**y now .

a. but b. and c. because

)8. he likes watermelons , because---sweet.

he doesn’t like beef , because---salty.

a. it’s / they’re b. they’re / it’s c. it’s / it’s

) 9. what do you --for lunch today ?

i h**e cabbage and rice .

a. would b. like c. h**e

( )10. i don’t like carrots. -about you ?

a. how b. where c. why


1. i’d like some tomatoes and mutton for lunch .


2. i h**e eggplant , potatoes and noodles today .


3. my f**ourite fruit is apple . 对划线部分提问)

4. i like beef , carrots and pears .(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)

5.--i don’t like grapeswhy ? 回答问题)


1. he don’t like potatoes

2. i f**ourite food is bread

3. i’d like beef and tomato

4. i don’t like grapes . it’s very sour .(

like eggplant and green beans .(

6. zhang peng f**ourite teacher is mr zhao. (



a. there is our school menu .

b. here is our school menu .

c. that is the school menu .


a.that sounds good . b. that listens good .

c. that looks good .

3. “对不起,没有茄子了。”用英文怎么说:

a. sorry , no eggb. sorry ,no eggplant c. sour , no eggplant

4. 如果你想知道别人晚上想吃什么,应该问:

a. what do you h**e for dinner ?

b. what do you do this evening ?

c. what would you like for dinner ?

5. 如果你想知道对方是否也做某事时,怎么问:

a. what do you like ? b. how are you ?

b. what (how) about you ?



一、三、五、午餐都各吃了些什么? 你最喜爱的食物、水果、蔬菜各是什么? 为什么?你最喜欢的老师是谁?为什么?




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