小学教育 2023年小学五年级英语试题

发布 2023-03-17 13:49:28 阅读 9801




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hello, how is everything going

an apple a day, keeps the doctor away

四、拼写单词 (20分)

he__d 头 hap___高兴 sp__rt 运动 wh__t 什么。

r__ler 尺子 gr__ss 草 fl___r 花 z___动物园。

c__w 奶牛 d___r 鹿 g___d 好 __ig 大的。

f __ce 脸 mou___嘴is 这个 t___e 时间。

r__d 红色 w___k 星期 dr__p 掉下 __ello你好。

五、 找出下列词语中不属于同一类的词,并将字母标号填写在题前括号内。(7分)

) 1. b. mouthc. driver

) 2. friend

) 3. a. school b. bedroom c. bathroom

) 4. a. breakfast b. dinnerc. egg

) 5. a. eraser b. rulerc. sports



( )1. what __do you do at the weekend ?

b. dose c. did

( )2. the books __very expensive.

a. isb. arec. am

( )3. it’s 7:10. it’s time __go to school.

a. tob. forc. of

( )4. i play football___the weekend

b. in c. on

( )5. can i help you? yes. i __a pair of sneakers.

a. seeb. wearc. want

6. we go swiming __summer.

a. ) english ..

a. )8.__did you e back ?

those ice cream!

are __home now.


1. from you back are china

2. much that how is dress

3. our is this friend chinese

4. do you london in live

5. when e you school do to



hello, everyone. e and meet my family. look, this is my mother.

she is a teacher. she is 38, but she looks very young. there are 18 boys and 21 girls in her class.

and this is my father. he is a doctor. he is tall.

he likes sports and he is strong. linda is my sister. she is quiet.

she is a student and we often study together.

) 1. there are 39 students in my mother's class.

) 2. there are 3 members in my family.

) 3. my father is a teacher, too.

) 4. my father isn't short.


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