
发布 2020-11-09 04:03:28 阅读 8791

lesson 11 tian’anmen square 天安门广场。

重点单词:loudly quietly easy hard


can jenny fly a kite? yes, jenny is h**ing fun . 现在进行时)

i see some people walking happily on the square .

see sb doing sth .

he is standing quietly.


square 天安门广场注意专有名词的首字母都要大写。如:the great wall长城。

see some children playing. 我看到一些孩子在玩。


jenny fly a kite? 詹妮会放风筝吗?

5.“don’t worry!” 不要担心,用于劝告处于忧虑中的人。

put a bandage on your arm. 让我们给你的胳膊缠上绷带。

同步练习。一、 连线。

1. loudlya. fly a kite

2. 放风筝b. some children

3. some peoplec. 大声地。

4. 一些孩子d. 在广场上。

5. on the squaree. 一些人。


1. i see some children

a. playb. playing

2. they are laughing

a. loudly b. loud

3. i seepeople walking happily on the square.

a. someb. any

4danny fly a kite?

a. canb. can

5. let’s put a bandage___your arm.

a. inb. on


1. let’s放风筝).

2不要担心), i can help you.

3有) many people here!


1. square, big, is, tian’anmen

2. men, flying, are, some, kites

3. jenny, flying, a, is, says, kite, hard

4. put, let’t a, on, your, arm, bandage

5. worry, i, help, can, you, don’t

五、改错。1. these are woman

a b c

) 2. what is he do now

a b c ) 3. i see some people walk happily

ab c ) 4. they are laughing loud

a b c ) 5. let’s flying a kite

a b clesson l 2 the palace museum 故宫博物馆。

重点单词:camera picture help hurt film


重点句子:my __hurts./ i hurt my __连词成句)


we are going to __

how old is __


palace museum 故宫博物馆。

2.1 want to take my camera. 我要带我的相机。

给……看如:show me an egg. 给我看鸡蛋。

是put的现在分词。注意put 现在分词时要双写t再加ing. 如:run--running

old is the palace museum.li ming? 故宫博物馆有多少年了,李明。

i take your picture? 我可以给你拍照吗?


1. a,a,m,c,r,e(照相机2. m,i,f,l(胶卷。

3. t,c,u,i,r,p,e(**4. e,n,o,s(鼻子。

二、 按要求写出所给词的适当形式。

1. do(单三2. sun(形容词3. easy(反义词。

4. put(现在分词5. hurt(汉意6. loud(副词。


1. take, i, camera, want, my, to

2. a, what, camera, is

3. picture, take, may, you, help, i, a


1. jenny wants to take her camera

2. film goes in the camera

3. the palace museum is red and yellow

4. danny wants to take a picture

5. the palace museum is about four hundred years old


1. webe) going to the palace museum today.

2. i wanttake) my camera.

3. filmgo) in the camera.

4. now i amput) film in my camera.

5. may itake) your picture?


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