冀教版五年级下3 4课

发布 2020-11-09 04:05:28 阅读 5803

lesson 3 who is singing? 谁在唱歌?

重点单词:man woman baby 初步渗透三个单词的复数。现在进行时,描述人物之间的关系。重点句型:

this man is on the train.(填空) who is itit’s __填空)

who is __ing? it’s___搭配)



谁是疑问代词。 表示“谁(who),谁(whom),谁的(whose),什么(what),哪个或哪些(which)”等词叫疑问代词。


如!what is this? 这是什么?

the train在火车上。



原形后面加一ing。 如:going,asking

b.以不发音的e结尾的动词,去e,再加一ing。 如:coming,taking






baby’s mother婴儿的母亲。

baby’s在名词的后面加上 ‘s’,这种表示所有关系的形式叫作名词所有格。

to sb.和某人谈话。


)1.a.man b.woman c. baby d.goat

)2.a.mother b.onc.behind d.in

)3.a.sit b.their c.sing d.see

)4.a.1isten b.read c.train d.sleep

)5.a.father b.cry c.sayd.talk


1.this man is on the train.

2. this woman is the baby’s mother

3. who is singing?

4.he is talking to the man behind you.


1. your mother is aman / woman)

2. your father is aman / woman)

3. you’re theirdaughter/ son)


1. who is singing

2. why is she singing

3. who is talking

4. now the baby isbecause


( )1. i h**esocks.

a. a pair of b. a pair c. ad. pair of

( )2. is beijing farshanghai?

a. tob. for c. from d. of

( )3. he can __us.

a. to show b. to give c. show d. showing

( )4. li ming __his shirt.

a. put on b. put in c. puts on d. puts in

六.连线。1. do you like reda. sure.

2. can you help meb. tomorrow morning.

3. thank youc. you are welcome.

4. when do you h**e for beijingd. yes, i do.

5. is that far from heree. no, it’s just up the stairs.

lesson 4 who is thirsty? 谁渴了?

重点单词:some thirsty

重点语法:不可数名词: tea water pop milk too…to..太---而不能。

重点句型: is thirsty? it’s___填空)

2. would you like a glass of milk, please? yes, please./no, thank you.(搭配)

the tea is too hot to drink .


1. what would you like to drink? 你们想喝些什么?


如:l’d like to go there.我真想去那儿。

2. would you like…? 你会/你想……?

如:would you like a glass of milk,li ming? 李明,你想要杯牛奶吗?



4. their tea is too hot to drink.他们的茶太热而不能喝。


如:the boy is too young to go to schoo1.这男孩太小了而不能去上学。


)1. 渴的 a. thirsty b. hungry

)2. 也 a. too b. to

)3. 牛奶 a. water b. milk

)4. 夫人 a. mr. b. mrs.

)5. 慢的 a. slow b. quick


) 1. _is thirsty?

b. who c. where

) 2.__would you like to drink?

b. where c. whose

) 3.__is my pop?

a. what b. who c. where

) 4. their tea is___hot __drink.

a. too…to b. to...too

三.连线。1. 丹尼,你想喝什么a. their water is too hot to drink.

2.我也想要一些茶b. what would you like to drink, danny?

3.他们的水太热不能喝c. where is his pop?

4. 他的汽水在那里d. i would like some tea, too.

四. 写出下列单词的反义词。

1. hot2. thirsty3. quick4. quiet___

5. old6. right7. slow8. big


1. jenny sees a tall green tree. (对划线部分提问)

2. please look at the cow. (改为否定句)

3. he drinks the soup. (改为现在进行时)


lesson 11 tian anmen square 天安门广场。重点单词 loudly quietly easy hard 重点语法 形容词变副词,及它们之间的区别和运用。can jenny fly a kite?yes,jenny is h ing fun 现在进行时 i see some p...


lesson 5 who is hungry?谁饿了?重点单词 quick hungry,snack 重点语法 不可数名词 soup fruit 以及some的用法。宾语从句的否定前移。重点句型 is hungry it s 填空 would you like?i would like some f...

冀教版五年级下9 10课

unit 2 in beijing教材基本要求 lesson 9 arriving in beijing 到达北京。重点单词 man,woman,girl,boy,arrive,ticket,tire 重点语法 1.不规则名词单数变复数 man men woman women child child...