
发布 2020-11-07 15:46:28 阅读 7725

unit 4 what can you do

重点短语 sing english songs

play the pipa

do kung fu

四会。draw cartoons

play basketball /football

unit 4 what can you do

一. 重点短语

sing english songs

play the pipa

do kung fu

draw cartoons

play basketball /football

play ping-pong

speak english

party ,next, wonderful,learn,any,problem,want,send,email, at

短语 no problem


1你会干什么? what can you do?

我会唱英语歌。 i can sing english songs .

2 你会画**吗? can you draw cartoons?

不,我不会。 no, i can’t.

3 你会扫地你的房间吗? can you clean your room

是的,我会。 yes, i can.


book football good look

balloon food zoo noodles

四、语法。(can 的用法)

结构:主语+can + 动词原形。主语没有人称和数的变化。“.表示能…”

如: i can sing english songs 我能唱歌。

you can sing english songs . 你能唱歌。

he can sing english songs. 他能唱歌。

they can sing english songs . 他们能唱歌。

陈述句肯定式:主语+can + 动词原形。

如: i can cook the meals我会做饭。

陈述句否定式:主语+can +not + 动词原形。

如: i can not / can’t cook the meals. 我不会做饭。

句式一般疑问式及回答: can + 主语 + 动词原形?

如can you cook the meals? 你会做饭吗?

yes, i can./ no, i can’t. 会,我会。/不,我不会。

特殊疑问式: what + can +主语+do?

如: what can you do? 你会做什么?

unit 4 what can you do单元测试题。


d) book b. cook c. goodbye d. too

) at b. class c. h**e d. saturday

) food b. afternoon c. foot d. balloon

) song b. not c. who d. hot

) speak b. tea c. sweat d. great


1. clothes( )

4. window( )


1. 唱英文歌曲2. 弹琵琶。

___sing__english songsthe

3. 练武术4. 画漫画。

do5. 打篮球6. 说英语。



sing play do go party

1.英语聚会 english2.唱英语歌曲english songs 3.

弹钢琴___the piano 4.做家庭作业homework. 5.

上学 __to school


1. what can you __do)?

2. i canclean) the classroom.

3. my sister can cook themeals).

4. i can do many things at home, so i’m veryhelp).

5be) you ill today?


)1. whatthe monkey do?

a. are b. can c. do d. cans

)2. i canthe clothes.

b wash c. put away d. \

3. -are you helpful at home

a. yes, you can. b. sure. c. yes, you not d. no, you not.

4. can you play the pipa

a. no, i can. b. yes, i can’t. c. no, i cant d. no, i can’t.

5. is she in the kitchen

a. yes, they are b. yes, she is c. yes, she can d. no, she is.

)6. i cana computer well.

a. uses b. use c. to use d. using

)7. whothey?

a. be b. am c. is d. are

)8. what can you

a. do b. to c. are d. /

)9. can you do the

a. dish b. dishes c. a dish d. dishing

)10can make clothes?--my mother can.

a. who b. what c. where d. whose


) 1. what can you do? a. she can water the flowers.


unit 4 what can you do?第四课时。淮北市烈山区古饶镇南元小学 马小丽。教材分析 本单元是义务教育pep小学英语教科书五年级教材第四单元,围绕话题what can you do 你能做什么?引出动词短语 二组情景对话,在此基础上培养学生的语言交际能力和 用英语做事情 的能力。本课...


2.词句解析。1 父亲盯着鲈鱼看了好一会儿,然后把目光转向了我 孩子,你得把它放回湖里去。爸爸!为什么?我急切地问道。你还会钓到别的鱼的。父亲平静地说。可是不会钓到这么大的鱼了。我大声争辩着,哭出了声。a.从 父亲盯着鲈鱼看了好一会儿 可以体会到 父亲也很喜爱这条肥美的大鲈鱼,父亲也在经历道德的考验...


第四单元。看词组注音。z zh n y uh o dl n 妮子战役友谊歌谣噩耗大嫂挎篮颧骨 ji o q ns ji n sh n t n q sh u 鬓角青稞搪塞煎熬唉声叹气收敛 y n y x zh sh nf n zh 疙瘩奄奄一息噎住生锈放肆揪住 y n f j zh nj shu 瞪眼...