
发布 2020-10-09 11:01:28 阅读 6769

小学五年级英语上册 unit4 what can you do ?

part a let’s learn & do a survey


教学内容】unit4 what can you do ? part a let’s learn & do a survey

学习目标】1.能听、说、读、写单词“sing”,“song”,“kung fu”,“dance”和词组“sing english songs”,play the pipa”,“do kung fu”,“draw cartoons”。

2.能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“what can you do?”,i can …”

3.能完成“do a survey”部分的对话任务。




教学重点】1. 能听、说、读、写单词“sing”,“song”,“kung fu”,“dance”和词组“sing english songs”,“play the pipa”,“do kung fu”,“draw cartoons”。

2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“what can you do?”,i can …”

教学难点】1. 新词汇和词组的学习。

2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“what can you do?”,i can …”


教学过程】step1 热身(warm-up)

1. free talk

t: good morning, children!

ss: good morning, teacher!

t:i’m mrs liang. you can call me mrs liang. hello! children!

ss: hello! mrs liang!

t: nice to meet you!

ss: nice to meet you, too!

t: now,we’re friends. we’re good friends! right?

help students to answer:“right!”)设计理念:利用问候之际,增加师生之间的亲和力,以朋友关系进入学习状态,缓解学生学习时的紧张情绪。)

step2 新课呈现presentation

1. 导入。

t: hmm, next tuesday is my birthday. i’m forty-five years old this year. now

can you sing a song for me ? 生日快乐》

ss: yes!

t: wonderful! can you sing an english song for me ?《happy birthday》

ss: yes!

t: wonderful! thank you very much!

i ‘m very happy! good! i’ll h**e a birthday party next tuesday.

what can you do for the party, children? 为了把我的birthday party开得更好,接下来就看大家的精彩表演啦。分别安排有五个表演节目:

sing songs,play the pipa, dance ,do kung fu ,draw cartoons. (设计理念:在安排表演节目时,有意识说出本节课的重点词汇,达到潜移默化作用)


singing group(歌唱组) :sing, song, sing english songs. (拓展:

sing chinese songs.) play the pipa,dance,do some kung fu,draw cartoons

play the pipa group(弹琵琶组): play the pipa (拓展:play the erhu/ garta/ piano/violin.

),sing english songs,dance,do some kung fu,draw cartoons

dance group(舞蹈组): dance,play the pipa,sing english songs,do some kung fu,draw cartoons

kung fu group(武术组): do some kung fu, play the pipa, sing english songs,dance,draw cartoons

drawing group(绘画组): draw cartoons ,play the pipa,sing english songs,

dance,do some kung fu,3.导学指导。


如:what can you do for the party?i can sing songs. 或者 i can sing english/chinese songs.


5.评价 1)小组自评2)小组互评。

step3 练习practice


2.听录音,跟读本部分的内容。回答:who can draw cartoons? (mike can draw cartoons.)

3.运用句型。 “what can you do for the party? i can ….巩固所学的单词、词组。


step4 做一个调查do a survey

1) 学生在小组内用句型“what can you do?”和“who can …?相互调查其他小组成员会做的事情。

2) 请两三位小组代表上讲台汇报小组成员会做的事情。

step5 巩固延伸(consolidation & extension)

1. 教师表演动作,学生快速说出相应的单词或词组。

2. 教师利用简笔画,问“what can he / she do?”,学生回答:“he / she can …”





about: at home, what can you do for your family?

谈论: 在家,你能为家人做什么?)

板书设计。unit 4 what can you do?

a. let’s learn a. do a survey

what can you do?

i can …


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