PEP小学五年级英语第二单元检测题 带听力和答案

发布 2020-11-05 07:17:28 阅读 2438



listening part(听力部分)

一、listen and choose.(听音,选出你听到的单词,将序号写到括号里。)(10分)

)1. a. goodbye b. good idea c. cool d. good job

)2. a. rainy b. paint c. rain d. wait

)3. a. love b. five c. lovely d. family

)4. a. fall b. wall c. tall d. small

)5. a. summer b .autumn c. seasons d. vacation

二、listen and number.(听音,根据听到的内容给相应的**标序号。)(10分)

三、listen and choose. (听问句,选答语。)(10分)

)1. a. i like dancing. b. i often go shopping.

)2. a .spring. b. the four seasons.

)3. a. because i like snow.

b. because i can go on a picnic .

)4. a. it’s rainy and cold. b. it’s sunny and cool .

)5. a . i often go swimming. b. i often make a snowman .

四、listen , circle and write.(圈出与你所听内容相符的**,并写出相应的单词)(10分)

1. -which season do you like best?

--i likebest. because i can

ab. 2. -why do you likebecause i often

a. b.

3do you like best?

-- i like autumn best. because i canthat’s so fun.

ab. 4. i like best. because the weather is nice. i can __with my parents.

ab. writing part (笔试部分)


1. it’s sunny and hot in summer.

2. i usually go to bed at

3. i often do my homework on weekend.

4. i like summer. because i can swim in summer.

5. -which season do you like best? -i like spring best.

六、read and choose.(找出每组中不同类的词,将序号填在提前括号内)(10分)

)1. a. summer b. season c. spring

)2. a. swim b. winter c. sleep

)3. b. warm c. windy

)4. a. pretty b. beautiful c. which

)5. a. what b. paint c. where

七、read and choose.(选择最佳答案,将序号填在括号内。)(10分)

)1. -which season doyoulike___


a. f**ourite b. /c. best

)2.--i like autumn best. because the are pretty!

a. colours. b. snow c. colour.

)3.--do you likewinter? -because i like snow.

a. why

)4.--ilikesummer best.--because i like___

a. play in the snow



)5.--ilike are beautiful flowers everywhere.

a. spring b. winter c. swim

八、read and choose. (选词填空。)(10分)

1do you on the weekend? i often go for a walk.

2is your pencil? it’s on the desk.

3do you like winter? because i can sleep all day.

4do you go to school? i often go to school at 7o’clock.

5season do you like best? i like spring best.

九、read and choose.(将答语的序号写到括号里。)(10分)

)1. what would you like to eat?

)2. which season do you like best?

) like winter best.

)4. when do you take a dancing class?

)5. why do you like spring?

十、read and finish. (读一读,写一写。)(10分)

zip: which season do you like best?

zoom: i like autumn best.

zip: do you like summer?

zoom: no, i don’t. it’s too hot.

zip: why do you like autumn, zoom?

zoom: because i can pick fresh apples. and i can eat a lot.

the colours are beautiful ,too. what about you, zip?

zip: i like summer best. i like swimming.

zip and zoom are good friends. zip likes___best. because she likeszoom likes___best.

because he canand he can eat a lot, too. he doesn’t like summer. because it is too


一、listen and choose(听音,选择你所听到的词语, 将序号写到括号里。)

did good job! want to paint a picture.

lovely colours! 4. the le**es are fall and fall and fall.

5. what is it? the four seasons.

二、listen and number.(听音,根据听到的内容给相应的**标序号。)

1. spring is green with flowers and songs.

2. summer is hot and the days are long.

often take a dancing class on the weekend.

4. autumn is golden and farmers are busy.

5. winter is white and the year is gone.

三、listen and choose(听问句,选择合适的答语。)

do you do on the weekend? season do you like best?


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