
发布 2020-11-04 06:22:28 阅读 3873

一、 重点词汇。

1. one hundred and five


hundreds of表示“数百;成百上千的”,这是hundred后面有s,而且hundreds后面要有介词of,并且不能与数词连用。

与hundred 用法类似的还有单词:thousand,million,billion.

our school is so famous that___people e and visit it every term.

a. hundred b. hundreds c. hundred of d. hundreds of

2. i ride it to school every day.

ride “骑”,后可接bike, horse, motorbike等。

还可以用做可数名词,“旅程”。 an hour’s ride 乘车一个小时的路程。

every “每个;每一”,其后接单数可数名词。every day “每天”

every day 表示某事发生的频率,“每天,天天”。

i go to school every day.

everyday 形容词,“日常的,普通的”。

i study everyday english every day.

3. live

live 不及物动词,“居住,生活”,其后若跟名词则必须在名词前加上适当的介词。

i like to live in the country.

live on sth. “以某物为食”

sheep live on grass.

live a ..life “过、、、生活”

the old man lives a happy life.

4. bus stop

bus stop与bus station 都是指“公共汽车站”。

bus stop 指城镇内外的停车点,bus station指能停、转车辆的汽车站点。

stop 做动词,意为“停止”,常用结构:

stop to do sth. “停下来去做某事”

stop doing sth. “停止做某事”(停止正在做的)

let’s stop to h**e a rest.

stop talking, please.

5. crossing the river to school




crossing 是名词,“渡口,交叉点”。

6. for many students,it is easy to get to school.

it is +adj.+to do sth. “做某事是。

7. there is a very big river

between their school and the village.

between ..and...在。和。之间”,连接两个并列的成分。


1) between 用于两者之间。

2) among 用于三个或三个以上的人或物的“中间”。

8. but he is not afraid.

afraid: “害怕的,畏惧的”。

1)be afraid of sth. 害怕某事/某物。

2)be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事。

3)be afraid of doing sth. 唯恐做某事,指担心或担忧做某事会引起某种后果。

4)be afraid + that从句,恐怕。


9. many of the students and villagers never le**e the village.


1. 离开; 脱离。

the train will le**e at six tomorrow morning.

2. 把……留在; 留下。

le**e the child at home. 把小孩留在家里。

3. 遗忘; 丢下。

i left my notebook in the dormitory. 我把笔记本落在宿舍里了。

4. 使……处于(某种状态),后面常接宾语补足语。

le**e the door open.

5. le**e for+地点,“动身去某地”

he left for the station a few minutes ago.

/h**e to

must多表示主观需要或责任感的驱使有必要或有义务去做某事,多译为“必须”,h**e to多表示客观存在的环境所限,即客观要求(无奈)而为之,多译为“不得不干某事”。

i must clean the room because there are too dirty.

i h**e to do my homework now.

11. it takes sb some money/time to do sth.花费某人多少时间/钱做某事。

sb pay some money for sth 某人为某物花费多少钱。

sb spend some time/money on sth 某人在做某事或某物上花费时间/钱。

sb spend some time/ money (in)doing sth

sth cost sb some money 某物花费某人多少钱。

二、 短语归纳。

to school 到校 the subway 乘地铁。

the train 坐火车 for 到……地方去,离开去某地。

把……带到…… 6. most students 大多数学生。

7. depend on 依赖,决定于 从……到……

of 想到,想起 bikes 骑自行车。

other parts of the world 在世界的其他地方 12. how far 多远。

the train to school 乘火车去上学 places 在一些地方。

to school by boat乘船去上学 1 the school bus乘坐校车。

different from和……不同 about 担忧,焦虑,担心。


how 引导的特殊疑问句。


a. take a/an/the+交通工具(单数)

take +a/an/the+表示交通工具的名词,乘……去某地。

he takes the train.

b. by交通工具(单数)

c. on/in+限定词+交通工具。

by+表示交通工具的单数名词或on/in+ a/an/the/one’s+表示交通工具的单数名词,是介词短语作方式状语。

i get to school by bike. =i get to school on my bike.



take the bus to school=go to school by bus=go to school on a bus

drive a car to work=go to work by car=go to work in a car

fly to shanghai=go to shanghai by plane/air=take the/a plane to shanghai=go to shanghai on a/an/the plane.

2. how far 用来提问距离,多远,其答语分为两种:

1)用长度单位表示:it is five kilometers.

2)用时间表示:it’s twenty minutes’ walk.

long 用来提问时间,意为多久回答常用“for+段时”。

---how long h**e you learnt english?

---for 3 years.

soon 用来提问做完某事还需要多长时间, 常用于将来时态时, 常用“in+时间段”来回答。

―how soon will you arrive in beijing?

---in 3 hours.




1)从属连词有that, if, whether。

nobody knew whether she could pass the exam.

i know that she is from america.

2)连接代词有who, whom, whose, what 等。

do you know whose book it is?

could you tell me what your father looks like?

3)连接副词有when, where, why, how等。

he didn’t tell me when we could meet again.

i don’t know how i can get there. kb om

i’m always very busy (忙的) every day. i usually 1 up early at 6:30 in the morning.

but 2 . i’m still sleepy (睡着的) .i put on my clothes, i wash my hands 3 face…do this!

do that. 4 i h**e my 5 . i go go school.

i usually le**e home at 7:00. at school we all study 6 .

we study english. chinese, maths and so on (等等). 7 noon (中午) i get home and h**e lunch.

at 1:30 i go to school again. sometimes we play 8 football in the afternoon.

i go home at 4:30. in the evening i do 9 homework.

i go to bed at 10:00 and i go to sleep (入睡) very 10 .

)1. a. get b. gets c. getting d. getting

)2. a. often b. usually c. sometimes d. always

p>( 3. a. and b. or c. but d. so

)4. a. before b. after c. when d. if

)5. a. lunch b. supper c. breakfast d. meal

)6. a. easy b. different c. difficult d. hard

)7. a. on b. on c. at d. at

)8. a. the b. ×c. a d. an

)9. a. many b. a lot of c. any d. a lot

)10. a. next b. soon c. first d. last


writing, talking, sitting , playing, swimming , flying, sunny, studying, drawing, h**ing

dear bob,my name is rich .i’m fourteen years old .i’m(1in a middle school .

my school is nice and clean. there are 30 students in my class .it’s(2today .

my classmates and i are(3a good time on the beach .it’s a nice place .the water is blue and clear .

many birds are(4over the sea .many people are (5some boys are(6football . some people are (7on the beach .

a girl is(8pictures on a chair .another girl is (9photos .i’m (10to you !

what are you doing ? i hope you can write to me soon .

best wishes! rich

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