
发布 2023-03-05 09:03:28 阅读 5902

unit3 how do you get to school


1. 掌握本单元重点单词短语、句型。

2. 学会日常交通用语。

3. 掌握本单元的考点。



1. how do you get to school?


如例i often take a bus to school.

“动词walk, ride, drive, fly等+to+地点名词”,意为“步行/骑自行车/开车/坐飞机去某地”。

如例my mother either rides to work or drives to work.


如例how can you go to the south pole? we can go there only by sea.

“on/ in+限定词+交通工具名词(单数前用a, an, the修饰)”,用以表达具体的交通方式。

如例let’s go home on a plane.


1) 表示问候。

how are you?

2) 表示爱好、程度、看法等。

how do you like china?

3) 询问天气。

how is the weather in beijing?

2. she takes the subway.

总结“take ”的用法。

1) i’m busy now, can you take those homework to the english teacher?

2) —how much are the pants?——ok, i’ll take it.

3) scott likes to take a shower before he goes to bed.

4) it’s good for you to take a walk after dinner.

5) i often take the no.22 bus to go to school.

6) it takes me 1 hour to finish the homework.

3. how far is it from your home to school?

how long does it take you to get to school?


1. how are you today? 意为“__等,用以提问“程度,方式,状况”等。

2. how long can you keep(借) the books from the library?以此询问时间;同时还可以询问长度。

3. how many意为用以询问“可数名词的数量多少”。

4. how much意为用以询问“不可数名词的多少”还用以询问“某物的**”。

5. how old意为用以询问“某人的年龄”。

6. how about意为“…怎么样?”与what about…?同义,用以询问对方的意见,是省略句。

7. how soon意为“多久以后”,用以询问“某事将在多久以后发生”,只用于将来时。

8. how far意为“多远”,用以询问“距离或路程”。

9. how often 意为“多经常” 询问事情发生的频率,通常和“usually, often, never”连用。

重/难点辨析:花费 take , spend, pay ,cost

it takes sb time/ money to do sth. (有时态变化,过去式took,)

sb. spend time/ money on sth/ in doing sth.

sb. pay money for sth

物 cost sb. time/ money.

重点、难点辨析: be far from, away from, from ..to .

far from, 离…远 my school is far from my home.

具体路程+away from, my school is 10 kilometers away from my home.

from。。to, 从。。到。。it’s 10 kilometers (away) from my school to my home.

a +be +路程距离from +b, my school(a) is 10 kilometers from my home(b).

section b

1. mary wants to know what he thinks of the trip.

1) 宾语从句的用法。

what he thinks of the trip.做的是want to know 后的宾语,从句的语序要用陈述语序。

例:we want to know __to help them.

a. what can we do

b. what we can do

c. how can we do

d. how we can do

2) think of = think about, 认为…以为…

what do you think of / about the trip? =how do you like the trip?

2. for many students, it is easy to get to school.

it’s + adj + to do sth对某人来说做某事是怎样的。

is a very big river between their school and the village.

1)there be句型表示有强调某地、某时、存在某物、某人。

be 的单复数形式与后面的名词保持一致,后有多个名词时,根据就近原则处理。





1. jeff goes to work __and his wife goes to work __

a. by car, on her bike b. by a car, on her bike

c. by cars, by bikes d. by his car, by bike

2. this book __bob’s. look! that’s his name.

a. may be b. must be c. can’t be d. must not be

3. what do youthe transportation in your city?

a. think about b. think of c. think over d. think

4does it take you to get to beijing?

twenty hours.

a. how often b. how far c. how many d. how long

5. how do you get to school, _bike or __foot?

a. by, by b. on, on c. by, on d. on, by

6. how __is it __your school to the children’s palace(少年宫)?

a. long, to b. for, to c. long, from d. far, from

7. —how do you __there?

— i take the train.

a. get b. get to c. gets d. gets to

8. she likes talking with others and she can get on well __them.

a. for b. on c. with d. at

9. it’s difficult for me __to school.

a. to get b. get c. gets d. to gets

10. look! there is __over there. do you know him?

a. a 8-year-old boy b. an 8-year-old boy c. a 8-years old boy d. an 8-years old boy

11. she has too __homework this weekend.

a. much b . many c. some d. a lot

12.-must i go now?

- no, youit’s early now.

a. don’t h**e to b. mustn’t c. can’t d. shouldn’t

13. _stops are there to the small town.

a. how long b. how far c. how many d. how much

14. lucy spend an hour __her homework every day.


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