
发布 2023-03-05 08:59:28 阅读 2434

unit 3 why do you like koalas ?

13页。1. be (very) cute (非常)可爱的。

2. see the lions 看狮子。

3. very + adj. 非常……

4. let’s do sth first 我们先…吧。

5. let’s see the pandas first. 让我们先去看熊猫吧。

6. why do you want to see the lions? 为什么你想看狮子?

7. because … 因为……

14页。8. why do you like pandas?

because they’re very clever.

9. why does he like koalas?

because they’re kind of interesting.

有几分,挺…kind of =a little= a little bit

___do you like pandas?

because they’re很聪明).

10. why __he __like) koalas?


11. kind of 有点,稍微。

有几分kind of

kind of 有点,稍微

koala bears are kind of shy. 考拉有点害羞。

kind 还有“种类”的意思。

如:各种各样的 all kinds of

we h**e all kinds of beautiful flowers in our school.

一种 a kind of

各种各样 all kinds of

这种。 那种。


15页。1. 1. 南非south africa

2. south africa (africa名 = african形)

3. where are lions from?

4. they are from south africa.

5. 只可爱的大象。

6. 有几分。

7. 一只有趣的海豚。

8. 几只可怕的狮子。

9. come from

10. welcome to the zoo

11. a smart koala

12. want to see the pandas


1.--why do like tigers? -because they are very c___

2让我们) play with the cats.

at the长颈鹿).they are eating le**es.

4. penguins live in south a

5. there are many kinds of ain the zoo.

完成句子。1.树袋熊很有趣,而且有点儿聪明。koalas are funny, and __clever.


don’tthe tigers. they are

3.--你为什么喜欢海豚? -因为它们很有趣。

do youthey are very

4.动物园里有各种各样的动物。there areanimals in the zoo.

16页。1. 熟记形容词。

2. 其他的动物 other animals

3. what animals do you like? 你喜欢什么动物?

friendly adj. 友好的,和蔼可亲的。

be friendly to sb.

= be kind to sb.

be friendly and clever 友好而聪明的。

它是名词friend的形容词形式,常常和be动词连用, be friendly。

the people in chengdu are very friendly.

4. -what other animals do you like? 你还喜欢其他的什么动物?

-i like dogs, too. 我还喜欢狗。

-why? 为什么?

-because they’re friendly and clever. 因为它们很友好而且很聪明。

17页。2.和她的朋友玩 play with her friends

with prep. 跟,同,和…在一起。

i usually play chess with my father.

注意区别与and的用法,and通常用于连接主语或宾语,连接主语时,如果有i, i通常放在 and 之后,如:

my father and i usually play chess together.

play with “和…一起玩耍”“玩…”

i often play with my pet dog.

don’t play with water!

3. 吃草 eat grass(不可数)

grass n. 草, 为不可数名词,表示“许多”时,使用much来修饰,即:much grass。

there is much grass on the playground.

4. 吃树叶eat le**es

leaf n. 叶子。

复数形式为:le**es, 类似的变化还有:wife—wives, wolf—wolves,


5. 安静些be quiet

6. be very beautiful/shy/quiet 非常美丽/害羞/安静的。

7. isn’t he cute? 他可爱吗?

8. during the day 在白天。

during the day = in the day

9. at night 在晚上;在夜里。

day和night 是一对反义词,day 表示白天或一天,night表示夜或夜晚。

通常说in the day, during the day, at night。

koala bears often sleep during the day and eat le**es at night

10. eat meat 吃肉。

meat n. (食用的)肉,为不可数名词,表示“许多”时,使用much来修饰,即:much meat he eats much meat every day.

go to sleep=fall asleep 入睡

go to bed **睡觉。

11. relax 动词放松。

休息=h**e a rest relaxed (adj)人作主语感到轻松,放松。

relaxing (adj) 物做主语某物是令人放松的。

12. relax 20 hours 放松/休息20个钟头。

hour n. 小时;点钟 hour前边通常加上冠词an 表示“一个小时”, 即:an hour。

there are 24 hours in a day and 60minutes in an hour






完成句子。1. _do you like pandas?

because they’re很聪明).

2. why __he __like) koalas?


3. where __lions __来自于…)?


4. what其他的动物)do you like?

i like __长颈鹿),_

5. (为什么)because they’re友好而且聪明)

6. molly likes to和朋友玩)and吃草).he is一头大象)

7. she’s很害羞).

7. he来澳大利亚 ).

he8. he白天睡觉), but在晚上) he起来吃叶子)

9. he usually __睡觉) and每天休息20个小时)


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