
发布 2020-11-02 03:26:28 阅读 5433

unit 2 my f**ourite season


1.够听、说,读写本课时的主要生词:season spring summer fall winter

2.够使用句型what’s your f**ourite season?提问,并能够根据实际情况回答问题。

3.够看懂指示语,并按照指令完成let’s find out 中的简单任务,绘图并会话。

4.够听懂、说唱let’s chant 部分的歌谣。


1.正确书写五个名词并运用what’s your f**ourite season ? 和what’s the weather like in…? 进行问答。

2.听、说、读、写单词spring , summer , fall , winter 和season。


to the tape 5 times.

the number words

the words or sentences that you can’t say


一、before the class.

and girls.

the weather like today? ss:it’s sunny.

s:what’s your f**ourite food? ss: apple.

review all the words :spring,summer,fall,winter,season.

二。new lesson.

t: today we’ll learn unit 2 my f**ourite season ( write on the blackboard)

三。learn the new words in your groups.

in groups.

read all the new words:spring,summer,fall,winter

and answer;

a:what’s the weather like today?

b:it’s cole

a:what’s season is it now?

b:it’s winter.

四。show in class.

1. group1:

a: what’s your f**ourite season?


a:what’s your f**ourite season?


3 .group 3:

a: what’s your f**ourite season?


a: what’s your f**ourite season?

c: fall.

4 .read the new words and sentences..

read the words together.

ask and answer in groups.

5. listen to the tape.


free talk like this;

a:what’s your f**ourite food?

b:green beans.

a:what’s your f**ourite season?


六。do exercises

copy the new words and sentences.

what’s your f**ourite season? winter.


1、能够听懂、会说并能回答句型:which season do you like best ?能够在恰当的情景中运用。

2、能够听懂let’s try部分的录音,并根据录音内容把人名与他们最喜欢的季节连线。

3、能够看懂make a survey部分的指示语,并按指示语完成调查小组成员最喜欢哪个季节的任务。

4、能够听懂、会唱歌曲“what’s your f**ourite season?”


1.句型which season do you like best ?及其答句。

2.引导学生准确自如地用句型“which season do you like best ? i can…回答自己最喜欢的季节及其原因。


to the tape 5 times.

the words or sentences that you can’t say

and find out your partner’s timetable.


一、before the class.

1. let’s sing: “what’s your f**ourite season?

your f**ourite season?


s:what’s the weather like in spring in beijing?


words one by one:a read the word “spring”.b spell“s-p-r-i-n-g”。

then b read the word“summer”.c spell“s-u-m-m-e-r”.

二。new lesson.

we’ll learn unit 2 what’s your f**ourite season and (write on the blackboard)

listen to the tape at page 16 and finish the let’s try.

to the let’s talk,write down f**ourite season about zhang’s and chen’s.

write down let’s talk on the blackboard.

chen:which season do you like best?

always sunny and cool.

which season do you like best?

can play with snow.

zhang:i don’t like too cold.

三。 cooperation in groups.

the find the difficulties.

the dialogue in the groups five times.

四.teaching the difficulties in class by the little teachers.

t: ok! who can to be the little teacher?

come to the front.

1. report the difficulties in class.

which season do you like best?=what’s your f**ourite season?

to the tape. listen, point and repeat.

t: now listen to the tape with the difficulties.

3. read the dialogue.

read the dialogue together.

read, act out in groups.

五。 development.

t:put out the homework table and make up a dialogue in the group.

a play in groups

a:which __do you like best?

___and hot.

what’s your f**ourite season?

it out in class.

六.do exercises.

cope the sentences about mother’s day.

finish the read and write.


1、能够听、说。读写本课时的句子:which season do you like best?

i like winter is good, but fall is my f**ourite season.

2、能够理解read and write部分的对话并能正确回答问题和书写答句。



1、能够听、说。读写本课时的句子:which season do you like best?

i like winter is good, but fall is my f**ourite season.

2、能够理解read and write部分的对话并能正确回答问题和书写答句。


4. 对各个季节的特征及在不同季节进行的活动进行综合表述。


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