
发布 2020-11-01 06:08:28 阅读 4273


单元语法小专题(grammar focus)





many people speak english.许多人讲英语。(主动语态,主语“many people”是谓语动作“speak”的执行者)

english is spoken by many people.英语被许多人讲。(被动语态,主语“english”是谓语动作“is spoken”的承受者)




farm machines are made in that factory.农场机械是在那个工厂被制造的。


farm machines are not made in that factory.农场机械没有在那个工厂被制造。


are farm machines made in that factory?农场机械是在那个工厂被制造的吗?

注意:happen,belong to,h**e,cost,last,own,stay等一般不用被动语态。



as a foreign language in most of chinese schools.

dogstake) good care of by my mother.

homeworknot do) in the afternoon.

4the flowerswater) every day?

sell) well in that shop.

6our schoolvisit) by many people every day?

languagesuse) in this country.

workersmake) to work 12 hours every day.

exercisesoftendo) by the students in class.

caralwaysclean) by mr. zhang in the morning.


don't make this kind of watch in beijing.(改为被动语态)

this kind of watchby them in beijing.

bike is mended by uncle li.(对画线部分提问the bike mended by?

trees are watered by them once a week.(改为主动语态the trees once a week.

she often look after the old woman?(改为被动语态)

___the old woman oftenafter by her?

is grown in the south of china.(改为一般疑问句teain the south of china?


16.英语老师经常使用录音机。recordersoftenenglish teachers.

17.你的手机是国产的吗your mobile phonechina?

18.这个老师每天给我们很多作业。much homeworkus by the teacher every day.

19.韩梅每天读很多书吗a lot of readingby han mei every day?

20.大家都喜欢这本书。the bookeveryone.


题组训练一 be known/famous for的用法。


)1.—peng liyuan ischinese people as a beautiful and popular singer.

and now she is also the first lady in china.

a. known as b. proud of c. famous for d. well-known to

) is famousits beautiful beaches. a. of b. for c. as d. to

) is knowna popular singer. a. as b. for c. to d. of

题组训练二 no matter的用法。


)1i am in trouble,my best friend li lei always helps me.

a. whenever b. whatever c. however d. never

)'s dad is getting old. she will go back home to see himit is convenient.

a. because b. whenever c. although d. unless

)3.—remember,bobhappens,keep calm and quiet. —i will. thanks, dad.

a. no matter when b. no matter what c. no matter how d. no matter where

题组训练三 complete与finish辨析。


) to return the book to the library when you fini****.

a. read b. to read c. reading d. reads

) the students mustthe course in this term.

a. finish b. complete c. do d. **oid

) book and she knew theevent.

a. completed;complete b. complete;complete c. finishes;complete d. finished;completed

题组训练四 be made of/from/in/by辨析。


) kind of car looks so beautiful. itin my hometown.

a. make b. makes c. is made d. made

) pair of shoeshand,and itvery comfortable.

a. is made with;is felt b. are made from;is felt c.

are made of;feels d. is made by;feels

)3.—your sweater looks very nice. what's it made

wool,and it's madeguiyang.

a. from;on b. of;in c. of;on d. from;in

单元写作小专题§ion b(3a~3b)



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