
发布 2020-10-27 20:21:28 阅读 3683


classname mark

一、 根据中文写单词。(12分)

1. tom to (西红柿) 2. th n (瘦的) r (酸的)

tt on(羊肉) 5. s turday (星期六) nny (有趣的)

rsday (星期四) 8. e plants (茄子 ) 9. str ng (强壮的)

tato (马铃薯) lthy (健康的) sty (好吃的)

一、 为下列词语选择正确翻译。(8分)

)1. 星期五 a. friday b. saturday

)2. 明天 a. tomorrow b. day

)3. 强壮的 a. strong b. funny

)4 活跃的 a. active b. strict

)5. 猪肉 a. pork b. beef

)6. 甜的 a. sweet b. salty

)7. 年轻的 a. young b. thin

)8. 新鲜的 a. cabbage b. fresh

四、 找出不同类的单词。(15分)

) 1. a. pork b. mutton c. banana

) 2. b. green beans c. eggplant

) 3. ic. her

) 4. youc. my

) 5. a. week b. saturday c. wednesday

) 6. b. chinese c. english

) 7. a. where b. whatc. he

) 8. b. friday c. art

) 9. a. sweet b. fruitc. salty

) 10 . a. cabbage b. grapec. apple

五、 找出相应的中文意思。把序号写在括号里。(15分)

) 1. it’s fresh and healthy a. 你呢?

) 2. do houseworkb. 在星期六。

) 3. what about youc. 既新鲜又健康。

) 4. on saturdaysd. 做家务。

) 5. tall and thine. 电脑游戏。

) 6. computer gamesf. 又高又瘦。

) 7. watch tvg. 读书。

) 8. they’re sweeth.数学老师。

) 9. read booksi.看电视。

) 10. math teacherj. 它们很甜

六、 选出正确的答案。(15分)

) 1. what would you likedinner?

a. for b . to c. about

) your f**ourite fruit

a. vegetables b. grapes c. pork

) 3. he isuniversity student.

. ac. the

) 4. what’s sheshe’s tall and thin.

like( )5. bananas my f**ourite.

a. is

) 6. we h**e english and math thursday.

b . at c. in

) 7. i often playping-pong on sundays.

a. the b. ac./

) 8. mr black is a good teacher. we all like

b . he’s

) 9. sarah english and art on tuesdays.

a. h**e c. like

)10. he**y now. so ieat vegetables.

to b. like to


)is she strict?

)she’s our principal.

)yes,she is.

1 )who’s that young lady?

)is she active?

)no,she isn’t. she’s quiet.


)1. who’s your art teachera. no, she isn’t.

)2. is she youngb. i’d like some potatoes.

)3. what would you likec. mr hu.

)4. what day is it today ? d. we h**e tomatoes and tofu.

)5 .what do you h**e for lunch today ? e. it’s friday .

)6. what do you do on sunday ? f. i often watch tv.


1. is she quiet? (做否定回答)

2. is, she , young, and, pretty,(.连词成句)

3. he’s tall and thin. (划线部分提问)

he like?

4 . i like tomatoes.(变否定句)

i like tomatoes


a b c ) 1 yellow house mouth

) 2. clock class black

) 3 clean cry cream

) 4. teacher head see

) 5. bread blue brown

( )6. floor frog fruit

( )7. brown snow window


i’m sarah. i h**e three new teachers, a science teacher, an art teacher and an english teacher. my science teacher is mr liu.

he’s tall and thin. my art teacher is miss zhao. she’s pretty and young.

my english teacher is miss sun. she’s an old woman. she’s kind.

)1. i h**e two new teachers.

)2. my art teacher is an old woman.

)3. my english teacher is miss sun.

)4. my science teacher is tall and thin.


标题 unit3what would you like?part b let s try and let s talk教学设计。作者单位 璧山区中兴小学校。姓名 唐中兰。联系 138 pep小学英语五年级 上 unit3what would you like?part b let s try and...


篇一 pep小学英语五年级教学反思。本单元的重点帮助学生领会进行时的意义。由于学生刚刚学过一般现在时,因而在新知引入阶段,我创设了一系列具体而典型的情景,让学生亲身体验现在进行时的用法,如 在黑板上画画 洗碗 读书 接听 等,通过各种真实的动作,引导学生对于谈论现在的情况有较丰富的 深入的体验。充分...


本单元的重点帮助学生领会进行时的意义。由于学生刚刚学过一般现在时,因而在新知引入阶段,我创设了一系列具体而典型的情景,让学生亲身体验现在进行时的用法,如 在黑板上画画 洗碗 读书 接听 等,通过各种真实的动作,引导学生对于谈论现在的情况有较丰富的 深入的体验。充分运用身体语言,帮助他们理解 领会现在...