
发布 2020-10-12 16:18:28 阅读 5355





my math teacher is verymy music teacher singssongs.

my english teacher has aheart. theyus learn. they help ue play.

my teacher is verywhen school is over, i want to stay.


1)do you h**e new teachers ?

—yes. we h**e a newteacher. (美术)

—what’s he like ?


2)our math teacher isyoung. (非常) he’sand thin. he’s very有趣的,滑稽可笑的) we all like him.


like science short thin

1) who’s yourteacher?

2) miss zhao is tall and___

3) what’s your math teacher___

4) mr. rice isbut he is smart.


1) sm___rt2) s tr___ct3) act __ve( )

4) st___dent5) pr___ncipal( )



who is缩写) what is缩写)



1your new english teacher? miss ye.

2he like? he’s young and strong.

3)is your chinese teacher strict? yes

4)who’s that young manis your teacher.


1)谁是你的新的语文老师is your chinese teacher ?

2)她长得怎么样? 哦,她又高又瘦she like ? oh, she is tall and thin.

3)他聪明吗?是的,而且他很严厉。is heyes, and he is very


1)( who’s that mana. he’s fromchina.

2)( what’s he likeb. he’s my teacher.

3)( where’s he fromc. no, she is old.

4)( is miss wang youngd. he’s short and thin.

5)( is mr wang younge. no, he is old.


1)you h**e do teachers new ?

2) very art my is teacher young .

3) h**e we a art new teacher .


) 1your math teacher? mr zhao .

a、.what’s b、who’s c、where’s

) 2、——is she quiet?

a、yes, she is. b、no, she is. c、no, she isn’t.

) 3. miss chen is my___语文) teacher . she’s very___善良).

a:english .kind b:chinese .kind c:math .smart

) 她长什么样子?)

a she b he c it

) english teacher is tall-__strong.

a:or b:and c:but

) is our校长)

) is anstudent . 大学生)

) 8.如果你和家人在路上遇见了老师,你应该如何介绍?

a;where are you fromb;this is my teacher mr lic:nice to meet you.

) 9.今天你迟到了,应如何向老师说?

late. late. moring.

) 10.你的英语老师会打篮球,你怎么说?

teacher can play ping-ping. english teacher can play football.

english teacher can play basketball.


i’m sarah. i h**e three teachers, a science teacher, an art teacher and an english teacher. my science teacher is mr liu.

he’s tall and thin. my art teacher is miss zhao. she’s pretty and young.

my english teacher is miss sun. she’s an old woman. she’s kind.

)1. i h**e two new teachers.

)2. my art teacher is an old woman.

)3. my english teacher is miss sun.

)4. my science teacher is tall and thin.

)5. miss sun is strict.



苏教版五年级上册语文第一单元测试题。网络 2009 08 24 08 49 20 标签 五年级苏教版语文 奥数精华资讯免费订阅。一 读拼音,写词语。du nli n hu ngr b ol i chu y n bi nc zh nf n j l b izh f ur n q ch 二 比一比,组词。...


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种子发芽实验。1 种子发芽需要的必须条件 一定的水 适宜的温度 空气 蒲公英的种子落在自然界任何地方都会发芽吗?2 做对比实验时,能改变的条件只能有一个,其他条件必须保持一致。3 为什么做对比实验要两组实验 实验组和对照组 答 一个结论的得出必须要有多个证据的支撑才行。4 为什么要用三粒种子做实验?...