小学英语四年级上册教案 Openday

发布 2020-09-30 06:28:28 阅读 1905

1.师生用good morning/afternoon. how are you?互相问候。

2.复习句型:let's go to the…

great! how do we go there?

shall we go to the … by …?


3.看**复习学过的单词(食物类、水果类、职业类、家庭用品类)。重点复习本课中的复现单词:a puter, a chair, a bookcase.

step2. presentation and practice

1、 出示第六课中的地点类的**。

t: look at my picture.

出示单词picture 并领读。

s: 跟读。

t指**) what's it?

s: it's a library.

t: what can you see in the library?

s: i can see a chair , a puter and some books.

(同样复习an airport, a station, a park, a zoo…)

t出示**教室**)what's it?

s:…t: it's a music room.

出示单词 a music room 示范朗读。

s:跟读。what can you see in the music room?

s: i can see a piano, a chair , a violin and an accordion.

t: so you can say: there is a piano.

there is a chair…

can you say like me?

s: there is an accordion…

there is a …

出示句型: there is a/an…


there is a piano .

t: there is a piano in the music room.

can you say like this?

出示句型:there is a/ an … in the…


3、t: 出示办公室**。

t: what's it?

s: …t: it's an office.

出示单词 an office 并领读。

s:跟读。t: what can you see in the office?

s: there's a bookcase in the office.

t: what can you see in the bookcase?

s: (在教师帮助下 ) there are some books in the bookcase.

出示句型。同法教 a classroom, a playground, a blackboard.

step3 a short break

1、enjoy a song

欣赏本课的歌曲 in the classroom

2、a game“ magic ears”


step 4. learn to say

1、在黑板上写出课题unit8 open day 并领读。


3、t:(示范)this is an office.

there is a/ an… on/ in the…

there are some …on/ in the …

can you say something like that?


step5 consolidation




用句型: there is /are… in / on the…

step 6 homework



一、 教学内容。


二、 教学目标。

1、 能听懂、会说,会读,会拼写单词our

2、 能听懂、会说,会读,会写句型 what's in / on/ near…?

there's/ there are … in/ on/ near…

3、 会唱歌曲 in the classroom

4、 了解字母组合ch 在单词中的读音。

三、 教学重点。

1、 熟练运用单词a chair, a blackboard, a picture, a bookcase, a classroom, an office, a playground , our

2、 能听懂、会说,会读,会写句型 what's in / on/ near…?

there's a / there are some …in/ on/ near…

四、 教学难点。

1、 能听懂、会说,会读,会写句型what's in / on/ near…?

there's a / there are some …in/ on/ near…

五、 课前准备。

教具准备 :课前准备:本课的单词**及磁带录音机,教学挂图。

六、 教学过程。

step1. revision:

1.师生用good morning/afternoon. how are you?互相问候。

2. 看**复习本课中的单词。

a game: guess the word

(教师说i am thinking of a word begining with /k/ ,学生猜测本课中由/k/开头的单词。)


t: there's a table in the office.

there are some books on the table.

make some sentences like this, can you?

s :造句练习。

step2. presentation and practice

1、 出示第六课中的地点类的**。

t:look at my picture.

t指**) what's can you see in the picture?

s: i can see a library.

t: what's in the library?

s: there's a/ an… there are some …in/ on/ near…

出示句型: what's in the library?

s:跟读。what's in the library?

s: there is a …

there are some…

who can ask me?

s: what's in the library?

t: there is / are …in/ on/ near

3、t: 出示办公室**。

ask and answer in pairs, can you?


what's in the office?

there is a/ an … there are some…

step3 a short break


重点 句型 can i h e some please sure.here you are.单词 rice,fish,beef,soup,noodles,vegetable 难点 能够正确读单词vegetable。教具准备 1.教师准备有关食物 饮料的 2.教材相配套的教学录音带 第一册unit 5...


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module1 3备课时间 上课时间。一 单词。迷路。12do kid 小孩。4 take taking14.can能够。5.swim swimming15.see看到。16.interesting有趣的。7 talk 人们。8.play playing18 boat船。9 listen liste...