
发布 2020-09-26 23:54:28 阅读 8937

4a unit9 what’s the matter?


一、 词组和短句。

1, a glass of water 一杯水2, good evening 晚上好

3, some cakes 一些蛋糕4, a big cake 一块大蛋糕

5, a small fan 一把小扇子6, h**e supper 吃晚饭。

7, hungry and thirsty 又饿又渴 8, tired and sleepy 又累又困

9, too cold 太冷了10, go to bed 睡觉

11, good night 晚安12, look happy 看上去很高兴

13, oh, dear. 哎呀。

14, what a nice car! 多么漂亮的一辆汽车啊!

15, i’ve got a new bike. 我有一辆新自行车。

16, h**e some soft drink. 喝些饮料吧。

二、 句子。

1、come and h**e some cakes, liu tao.


2、here’s a glass of water for you. thank you, mum.


3、are you ill? no. i’m tired. oh, dear.


4、why don’t you go to bed now? ok.


5、good evening. you look happy.


6、yes. look, i’ve got a new car.


7、what’s the matter?


听力部分。一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。

) 1. a. notebook b. bookmark c. copybook

) 2. a. read b. write c. white

) 3. a. matter b. mother c. tired

) 4. a. come here b. come home c. come in

) 5. a、hungry b、hundred c、angry

) 6. a、tie b、tigerc、tired

) 7. a. perhaps b. umbrella c. water bottle

) 8. a、think b、drinkc、thank

) 9. a、a glass of water b、a glass of juice c、a glass of milk

)10. a、h**e some cakes b、h**e some apples c、drink some water


( )1. a. i’m tired.

b. perhaps it’s yang ling’s.

c. yes, it’s nice.

( )they’re on the desk.

b. it’s on the desk.

c. they’re nancy’s.

( )yes, i do.

b. it’s a pencil-sharpener

c. sure. here you are.

( )at nine o’clock.

b. it’s nine

c. i go to school at seven o’clock.

( )here’s some water for you.

b. here’s a cake.

c. this book is for you.


1、a: what’s

b: i’m

a: here’sfor you .

b: thank you .

2、a: excuse me , what’s the __

b: it’s

a: it’s __to go

b: ok. let’s go .


) 1. a. bookmark b. notebook c. copybook d. book

) 2. b. ill c. bed d. hot

) 3. a、hungry b、thirty c、tired d、thirsty

) 4. a、hot b、cold c、tired d、bed

) 5. a、stand b、sit c、draw d、two

二。 看图写单词。

三、选择。 )1, -what’s the matter?

a. fine, thank you.

b. i’m too hot.

c. it’s eleven.

)2. i’m___mayih**esometea?

a、hungry b、thirstyc、pretty

)3. _tryonthisdress.

a、doit b、notc、don’t

)4. _fans __for you.

a. this, are b. the, are c. it’s, is

)5. what’sthetime

a、fifty b、it’

) 6. here’s a new coat for you

a. that’s ok. b. thank you. c. that’s all right.

)7. —look at my new balloon

a. it’s a balloon. it isc. it’s nice.

)8. —it’

)9. —it’


1、for,some,here’s,bread, helen(.)

2、eat ,some,please,tea,bread,drink,and(.)


4、seven,is,it,the,in,thirty,morning (.

5. time,watch,do,what,you,tv


)1、what time do you go to bed ?a、no,i’mnot.

)2、whosedressisthis? b、it’smiss li’s.

)3、what’sthematterc、sure. here you are.


)5、may i h**e a toy tiger? e、at eight .

)6、i’msorryf、here’s a sofa for you.

)7、here’safanforyou. g、thankyou.

)8、what’ssixandseven? h、goodnight!



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