
发布 2020-09-16 10:55:28 阅读 5785

unit 5 endangered animals

1. key words

endangered adj. 濒危的 patch n. 色斑斑点 file n. 档案。

shoulder n. 肩膀 giant panda n. 大熊猫 central adj.中心的。

obligation n. 义务责任 menu n.菜单 wild n. 自然环境野生状态。

fur n. 毛皮bamboo n. 竹子 cruel adj.残忍的残酷的。

adult adj. **的organization n. 组织 weight n. 重量。

danger n. 危险风险 kilogram n.公斤千克 face v. 面对。

population n. 人口 asian adj. 亚洲的。

beh**ior n. 行为weigh v.重birth n. 出生诞生。

2. key phrases

in the wild 在野生环境中 at birth 出生时。

on one’s own 独自close to 几乎接近。

give birth to 生小孩生育 in harmony with 与…协调/和谐。

in danger 处于危险中。

3. synonyms:

the wild = a natural environment

beh**ior = action

on one’s own = alone

close to = almost; nearly


1. birth2. asian3. weigh

4. organization5. central6. danger

7. population __


1. the wilda. action

2. close tob. alone

3. on one’s ownc. almost; nearly

4. beh**iord. a natural environment


1. 大熊猫2. 组织结构3. 残忍的残酷的___

4. 竹子5. 重6. 中心的。

7. 重量8. 肩膀9. 危险风险___

10. 人口11. 千克公斤___


选择填空。1. it’s very kind __to help me.

a. ofb. for

2. it’s too difficult __him to finish the exercise.

a. ofb. for

3. it’s dangerous __you to climb the wall.

a. ofb. for

4. it’s so nice __him to help us.

a. ofb. for

英汉互译。1. giant panda2. shoulder3. cruel___

4. bamboo5. central6. organization___

7. danger8. weigh9. beh**ior___

10. population11. kilogram12. weight___

13. at birth14. on one’s own15.生育___

16.与….协调/和谐17. 在野生环境中。


1. a natural environment2. almost; nearly

3. action4. alone

连词成句。1. is / cruel / animals / to / of / it /kill / them

2. is/ it /for/ important/ to / us / them / protect

3. hours/ day/ spend/ eating / ten/ than/ a / they/ more

4. was/ him/ tell /br**e/ enough/ i / to /not

5. should/ to / do / them/ what/ help /me


1. it also has black ears, shoulders and legs. the rest __its body is white.

a. forb. as c. ofd. other

2. pandasin the wild usually eat bamboos.

a. onb. at c. ind. out of

3. panda live highin the mountains.

a. upb. down c. in front of d. behind

4. pandas live __about 20 years.

a. ofb. for c. asd. after

5. pandas in zoos can liveto 35 years.

a. as; forb. for; of c. up; asd. for; up

完形填空。when you’re a teenager, it seems that every time you say, “i want to …”your parents answer, “no, you can’t.”

young people further complain that their parents do not __1___them. when something goes wrong, their parents just don’t believe in their children without asking about the whole matter; they think their __2___are wrong. and not many parents allow their kids to __3___for themselves.

yes, it’s true that your parents sometimes treat you as a little child. but __4___that not long ago you were really a child. your parents still remember the childish __5___you used to make.

they want to protect you though you don’t want them to do so.

so, if you want to get __6___freedom, please try to understand your parents and don’t lie to them. try a more___7___way. if you want them to __8___you stay out late, don’t just say, “all __9___kids can stay out late.

” tell them as much as you can about __10___you want to do and where you’ll be and why it’s important for you to stay out late. the they just might say, “yes.”


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