
发布 2020-09-16 10:52:28 阅读 5749

unit 1 how often do you exercise (2)

1. 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语

2. 掌握频率副词,并能熟练运用频率副词谈论活动。

3. 运用本课的句型,谈论周末的活动。

1. time ① 时间 n(不可数) ②次数n. (可数) 很多次。

2. 一次once 两次twice 三次three times ( 超过两次以上:基数词+ times )

3. 一周一次 once a week

eg: 一周两次一天三次。


4. how often 疑问词how often是问频率: 多久一次。

how often do you/ does she exercise? 你/ 她多久锻炼一次身体?


how often + 助动词【do/does】 +主语 + 行为动词【 do sth 】

回答一般是用表示频率的副词,如:once, twice, three times…, sometimes, often, usually, always, never, every day, once a week , twice a month等。

eg: i / she exercise(s) once a week. 我/她每星期锻炼一次。

i / she hardly ever exercise(s). 我/她几乎不锻炼。

写一写! 选用频率副词always, usually, often, sometimes,hardly, never,谈论你或你的家人、朋友在周末的活动。

1. 请大家进行小组讨论,总结出你们都不懂的地方, 并提出。

2. 疑难点总结: 用hard 或hardly ever填空。

the woman studied english verywhen she was young.

hehelps his mother do housework.


1. -how oftenshe exercise? -twice a week.

a. do b. does c. doing d. did

2do they play footballevery day.

a. how soon b. how much c. how many d. how often


1. she goes to the movies three times a month.(对划线部分提问)

shethe movies?

2. they often go to the movies on weekends.(对划线部分提问)

they oftenon weekends.

3. the twins never go to the internet bar.(对划线部分提问)

the twins go to the internet bar?


1. do youhelp bill with his english?.

2. mr wang isstrict with us, but we like him very much.

3. we h**e a sports meetingin our school.

4. she exercises every day, so shehas a cold.

5. he usually plays basketball after school, buthe swims, too.



a. 1 p9--10 单词抄写五遍翻译一遍;

2 抄写p96 unit2 section a 2a,听力原文一遍翻译一遍;p10 2d 两遍翻译一遍。


b. 《导航》相关练习。

八年级英语上册unit3导学案 XX新版新目标

标 unit3sectionb 学习目标 知识目标 会默写单词vie,interest,though,necessary,beat能力目标 通过阅读范文,会简要复述范文,会模仿范文口头和笔头两方面表达自己的观点。情感目标 学习使用形容词的比较级,比较人和事物的特征。如何正确地看待自己和他人的优缺点,...

八年级英语上册unit3导学案 XX新版新目标

标 unit3sectionb 学习目标 知识目标 会默写单词vie,interest,though,necessary,beat能力目标 通过阅读范文,会简要复述范文,会模仿范文口头和笔头两方面表达自己的观点。情感目标 学习使用形容词的比较级,比较人和事物的特征。如何正确地看待自己和他人的优缺点,...


八年级英语上册unit2导学案 2013新版。新目标 unit2 how often do you exercise?单元纲要。一 单元分析。本单元的主要内容是表达 做运动的频率 a通过 谈论做运动的频率 通过看图说话,句型操练,实际描述等方式帮助学生能够正确使用表示做什么活动的词组,多久做一次的句...