
发布 2020-09-16 10:53:28 阅读 1206

unit 1 how often do you exercise?

section a(2a --4)

教学目标】a:语言目标:恰当使用everydayonceaweektwiceaweekthree times a monthtwo or three times a day等频率副词和日常活动短语:

watchtvsurftheinternetexerciseshopgoshoppingread exercise等。

掌握句型:how often do you go to the movies?i go to the movies once a month.



教学重点】句型:how often do you go to the movies?i go to the movies once a month.


step1warm-up教师试着与学生谈谈各自通常度周末的情况,激发学生对这个话题的学习兴趣,并导入提问频率的how often句型。

1.学生做duty report之后,教师通过星期几过渡到周末(weekend)这个概念,然后再自然过渡到询问周末活动的内容。

t: what day is today?s: today is __

t: which day do you like best?s: sunday.

t: what can we call saturday and sunday?s: weekends.

t: what do you usually do on weekends?s: i often watch tv on weekends.

2.随即询问学生一周内做几次exercise,do homework,watch tv等动作。

t: how often do you watch tv every week?s: i watch tv once or twice a week.学生互相询问。

step2. practice(pairwork)

根据实际情况,说出每个人在周末的活动情况,练习句型:s1: what do you usually do on weekends?

s2: i often/sometimes…s1: what does she do on weekends?

s2: she often goes to the movies.


(2a, 2b)


1. cheng is talking about how often he does different the activities you hear [1-5]

2. listen again. answer the question.

how often does cheng do the activities?

step4. pairwork让学生联系实际编对话,学以致用。fill in the chart in conversations like this:

s1: how often do you go to the movies?s2:

i go to the movies once a f**orite movie?s2: black september.


three times a monthtwo or three times a day…以及动词词组:watch tvsurf the internetexerciseshop ……step5:new presentation(3)

1. read the passage and fill in the blank with the information in theboxes

the questions:

a. how many students do their homework every day?

b. how many times do most students exercise a week? the results for “watch tv” interesting?

3. make a survey:

how do the students exercise every day? fill in the 1:name 2:name 3:name 4:





runstep6: groupwork: what can you do to improve your english?

talkabout the ways to learn english and find the best english student in

a: how often do you read english books?b: i read english books about twice a week.




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