人教新版 六年级英语模拟试题 一

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(人教新版)六年级英语模拟试题 (一)


1. friday listen2. sausage class( )

3. clock sofa4. beef teeth( )

5. speak bread6. here where( )

7. sandwich cake8. goose book( )

9. theme leg10. turkey thursday( )


)1. a. musicb. milk c. chinese d. dinner

)2. a. reading b. teacups c. speakd. breakfast

)3. a. weekend b. student c. eleven d. neck

)4. a. dancing b. act c. h**ed. moths

)5. a. subject b. cup c. putd. mug

)6. a. balloon b. room c. bedroom d. zoo

)7. a. computer b. clock c. jogging d. chocolate

)8. a. faceb. crane c. watch d. table


)1. my birthdaya. 我的生日 b. 你的生日。

)2. a big cakea. 一块大蛋糕 b. 一块小蛋糕。

)3. this afternoon a. 今天下午 b. 今天上午。

)4. some sandwiches a. 一些汉堡包 b. 一些三明治。

)5. my birthday party a. 我的生日聚会 b. 我的生日礼物。

)6. go to beda. 铺床b. 去睡觉。

)7. get upa. 起床b. 醒醒。

)8. wash your dress a. 洗你的脸b. 洗你的连衣裙。

)9. h**e breakfast a. 吃早餐b. 吃些汉堡包。

)10. brush teetha. 刷你的牙 b. 洗你的脸。

)11. milk and bread a. 牛奶和面包 b. 一块蛋糕和面包。

)12. go to schoola. **睡觉b. 去上学。

)13. h**e dinnera. 吃晚饭b. 吃早饭。

)14. clean the desk a. 清洁桌子 b. 清洁书桌。

)15. speak and sing a. 说和唱b. 听和唱。

)16. play and acta. 玩和表演b. 说和玩。

)17. a chinese class a. 一节数学课 b. 一节语文课。

)18. at the weekend a. 在周末b. 在周日。

)19. go to the theme park a. 去公园b. 去乐园。

)20. h**e a music class a. 上一节数学课 b. 上一节**课。


)1. a. hot dog b. hamburger c. catd. sandwich

)2. a. cokeb. milkc. french d. french fries

)4. a. lunchb. classc. supper d. breakfast

)5. a. living room b. chicken c. kitchen d. bedroom

)6. a. beefb. porkc. kitchen d. chicken

)7. a. pizzab. english c. sandwich d. french fries

)8. a. cakeb. milkc. coked. water

)9. a. brushb. school c. washd. sweep

)10. a. lemon b. applec. carrotd. pear

)11. a. penb. pencil c. peard. ruler

)12. a. tomato b. potato c. hot dog d. cucumber

)13. a. living room b. chicken c. bedroom d. kitchen

)14. a. clock b. tablec. deskd. sofa

)15. a. sunday b. saturday c. sunny d. monday

)16. a. dayb. playc. todayd. week

)17. a. music b. dressc. moths d. pe

)18. a. hamburger b. lunchc. dinner d. breakfast

)19. a. hot dog b. sandwich c. coked. pizza

)20. a. note book b. exercise book c. bookd. exercising

)21. a. dancing b. swimming c. morning d. singing

)22. a. pen b. pencilc. pencil-box d. ten

)23. a. play b. todayc. dayd. week

)24. a. juice b. milkc. breadd. coke

)25. a. pizza b. sandwich c. waterd. bread

)26. a. pork b. chicken c. beefd. kitchen

)27. a. park b. zooc. theme park d. duck

)28. a. class b. pencil c. rulerd. pen

)29. a. swimming b. dancingc. singing d. food

)30. a. computer b. waterc. coke d. milk

)31. a. newb. tallc. ball d. small

)32. a. carb. bikec. coach d. lunch

)33. a. peacock b. swanc. pencil d. crane

)34. a. teacup b. mugc. cupd. bed


1. what’s in the living room ?

there is a bed

2. can you clean the cup

3. what subjects do you like ?

i like chinese

4. i h**e some hamburgers

5. what day is today ?

it’s monday

6. i enjoy jogging

7. i want to buy a ruler

8. what are these ? they are geese


1. 一张新床2. 一台大电脑。

3. 一把小椅子4 一本语文书。

5. 一位英语老师6. 一个瘦学生。

7. 在周末8. 一些面包。

9. 去公园10. 去游泳。


1. at the (周末2. on (星期六)

3. go to the (公园4. go to (床)

5. h**e a (数学)class 6. h**e a (语文)class

7. a (新的)theme park 8. a (大的)living room

9. a thin (教师10. a fat (学生)

11. go (家12. on the (墙)

13. watch (电视14. go (买东西)

15. go to the (长城16. by (自行车)




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2013 2014第一学期六年级英语期中试题。时间 60分钟满分 100分。班级姓名得分。一 根据中文意思,将下列单词补充完整。每小题1分,共计10分 1 care y 认真地 2 me 家 3 chi en 孩子们4 m ning上午。5 o ce 办公室 6 some 有时 7 st 邮票。8 ...


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