
发布 2020-08-15 07:22:28 阅读 4083


听力 30’

一听对话,根据听到的内容选择相应的**,将标号填在题前括号内 12’

a.二听录音,给下列**排序 5‘

三听对话,回答问题,将所选答案字母填在句子前括号内 10’


) 12. what is the book about?

a. animals b. plants c. mountains

) 13. is the duck pretty?

a. yes, she is. b. no, very ugly c. not so beautiful.


) 14. do lisa and lily study in the same class?

a. yes, they do. b. no, they don’t. c. yes, they are.

) 15. where is the woman teacher from?

a. america b. china c. canada

) 16. how many people are talking in the dialogue?

a. two b. three c. four

四根据听到的内容,补全信息,短文读三遍 3’

语言知识 30’

五读词组看图,选择与图意相符的词组,将其标号填写在横线上 5’

a. go to the beach b. do maths problems c.

h**e breakfast d. go shopping e. go fishing

f. draw and paint


25. white,blue, black

26. teacher, driver, farmer

27. seven, one, six

28. clock,chair, window

29. aunt, father, brother


a. took b. drew c. run d. put e. play f. puppet

八读短文。根据短文内容选择正确的选项,将其标号填写在题前括号内 (10’)

li li, look 35 the picture. it’s 36 picture of our classroom. in the picture, you can see some desks 37 chairs.

38 the blackboard, you can see two black and white cats. a map is 39 the door. it’s a map 40 beijing.

under the 41 desk is a ball, but you can’t see it. the girl in the hat is my good friend kate. she is a new student.

she is 42 english girl. she looks 43 lucy . but they aren’t 44 .

) inb. atc. tod. on

) an c. thed./

) but c. andd. there

) inb. of c. atd. on

) inc. underd. behind

) ofb. on c. ind. for

) teacher b. teacher’s c. teachers’ d. of teacher

) the c. and. a

) after c. liked. the same

) boysb. girls c. twinsd. students

综合运用 20

九读短文,按照所读内容的先后顺序给**标号,将标号填写在括号内 5 ‘

ben is going to do a lot of things on the next weekend. so he went to a supermarket to buy some food. on saturday morning, he will go to the zoo with his family.

the zoo is not far from their home. in the afternoon, they will go back home on foot. on sunday morning, he plans to play basketball with his best friends.

in the afternoon, he will go to the beach and make a sandcastle.

十阅读短文,判断正误,正确写t, 错误f 5’

tom is seven. he goes to school every day. the school is near his home.

so he goes there on foot and comes back home on time. but today he is late.

his mother asks him, “why are you late today?”

i was in the teacher’s office.”

why did you go to teacher’s office?”

because my teacher asked us a question in class, and nobody (没有人)could answer it, but me”

it’s good to answer the teacher’s questions. what’s the question?”

who put the ink (墨水)on my chair?”

) 50. tom livess near his school.

) 51. he goes to school and comes back home by bike every day.

) 52. today tom went to school late.

) 53. tom put some ink on the teacher’s chair.

) 54. the boy is very naughty. (淘气的)

十一读文段,选择正确答案 5’

)55. atyou can see “three little pigs” on time.

a. 7:00pm b. 7:40 pm c. 8:00 pm

) 56. if you want to see “three little pigs”, you should go to

a. 4d hall b. the 3rd floor, imax 3d hall c. the fourth floor

) 57. two tickets for “the black book” are __

a. 100 yuan b. 45 yuan c. 90 yuan

) 58. you canwhen you watch a film.

a. drink and eat b. smoke c. answer the phone.

) 59. if you want to smoke, you can

a. smoke in the seat b. go to the rest room c. go out and then come into the hall again

十二根据提示写一篇介绍你和你的家人的短文 ,不少于5句话 5’

my family


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