
发布 2020-08-15 07:20:28 阅读 4554





1、 cut us2、lake wall

3. england france4、 boat coat

) 5、 food book6、 map make

) 7、tree keep8 、night ink


1、( a、england b、america c、australia d、chinese

2、( a、pillow b、quilt c、sleep d、bed

3、( a、beside b、left c、neard、under

4、( a、elephant b、monkey c、hippod、grass

5、( a、the bell tower b、the great wall c、the west lake d、beijing opera


1、ch p a、ee b、ea c、ae d、aa

2、w y a、a b、e c、n、 d、i

3、 nd a、o b、a c、e d、i

4、l ght a、e b、a c、i d、o

5、s d a、i n b、a n c、e n d、o n


1、may i the telephone?

a、using b、use c、 to use

2、is that linda ?

a、speak b、speaking c、speaks

3、my mother is doing some

a、washing b、wash c、washes

4、xi’an a wonderful city.

a、is b、are c、was

5、__where is the library?

a. sorry b. excuse me c. help me

6、there are many __in a big city.

a .building b. buildings c. build

7、the flower shop is __your left.

a. in c. on

8, how can i get __the zoo?

a. go b. to c. go to

is wrong __you ?

a. to c. about

shouldmedicine three times a day.

a. take c. to take



a、you should go now.

b、 i think it’s time to go.

c、 you’re so kind.


a、do you want anything?

b、what can i do for you ?

c、 do you want anything?


a、what do you look in the picture?

b、what can you see in the picture?

c、what could you see in the picture?

4. 当你想知道革命公园怎么走时,应该怎样询问:

a. i'm sorry, where's geming park ?

b. excuse me, where's geming park ?

5 你要告诉问路的小朋友,那家书店不远,他可以步行去那里时,应该这样表达:

a. it's not far. you can take a bus.

b. it's not far. you can walk there.

6 你想让你的小猫跟你走,你会说:

a. follow me, can walk.

7 当别人向你致谢时,你会怎样回答:

a. thank you very much. b. it's my pleasure.


a.what’s the date today?

b. what day is it today?

六 、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)

1、i___go) to the farm with my family on this weedend

2 peter __h**e )a headache.

3、you had better __go)to the hospital.

4、han mei canmake) the book card..

5、、would you likecome)my birthday party?





1、can to the how i get zoo

2、is right it your on

3、is the to the which way cinema

4、car a you had take better

5、medicine three take times day a


1、the children are under the tree.(对划线部分提问)

2、there are some flowers on the desk.(改为一般疑问句)

3、they are playing games.(改为否定句)

4the museum?(根据答语提问)

go to chang an right.

5、how can i get to the museum?(同义句转换)


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