
发布 2020-08-21 23:05:28 阅读 4088



1、 请你写出下列字母对应的大写和小写形式。(10分)

i y q k a j r f e ɡ


there will be a he**y rain tomorrow.


light snow1.散步。

take a walk2、小雪

a box of cakes3、红豆。

shopping centre4、购物中心。

red bean5、一盒蛋糕。



)1、i enjoy __mooncakes.

a. eating eat c. eat

)2、katie often __up at 6:00

)3、i can find out __countries.

)4、i __a beautiful bird yesterday.

b. saw c. see

)5、__will __a he**y rain tomorrow.

a. there,be b. it,不填

)6、there __many mooncakes in the box.

a. isb. are

)7、it’s time __breakfast.

a. to )8、__like some apples,please.

)9、i did my homework __6:00

)10、i will bring two __of coke.


) 1. 别人对你说: nice to meet you! 你应该回答:

a. good morningb. nice to meet you, too!

) 2. 别人帮助了你, 你应该说:

a. thank youb. i’m sorry.

) 3.妈妈指着一篮鸡蛋问:what are these? 你应回答:

a. those are birdsb. these are eggs.

) 4. 安妮对你说 : how are you? 你应该回答:

a. i’m fine,thanksb. how are you?

) 5.玲玲问你:what do you like? 你应该回答:

a. it’s janeb. i like milk and bread.

六. 从方框中选择合适的词组或句子补全对话,将其序号填在横线上。(10分)

1、a:__is this mooncake?

b:it’s 5 yuan.

2、a:here you are.

b:__3、a:glad to see you.

b:__4、a:what is he looking at?

b:__will you bring ?

b七. 连词成句。(10分)

1、tomorrow it sunny will be cool and.

2、i my like computer.

3、do you during what did holidays the?

4、mid—autumn is the coming festival.

5、early always up katie gets.

6、will a bottle i of orange bring big juice.


tomorrow is saturday. it will be sunny and warm. mike and i will go to the park.

we will fly kites there. we can go there by bus. but mike wants to go there by bike.

great, i h**e a new bike. we’ll go there by bike.

)1、today is friday.

)2、mike has a new bike.

)3、it will be sunny and warm tomorrow.

)4、mike and i will fly kites on saturday.

)5、we will go to the park by bus.


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