
发布 2020-08-11 15:54:28 阅读 2550


一、 选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词。(5×2分)

二、 补全单词。(10×2分)

1. m_ d_cine(药) 2. w_st_(浪费) 3. w_ _kday(平日) 4. f_v_r(发烧)

5. t_ st_(尝) 6. pl_ _戏剧) 7. gr_ _ting(问候) 8. id_ _主意)

9. l_t_s(莲花) 10. m_ _ncake(月饼)

三、 写出下列单词的适当形式(8×1分)



5、long(比较级6. tall(比较级。

7、big(最高级8. short(最高级。


1、( i enjoy __apples.

a、eatb、eatingc、to eat

2、( my coat is __than yours.


3、( i __to the cinema last week.


4、( i’ll bring __orange juice.

a、a piece ofb、a bar ofc、a bottle of

5、( a:is that tom?


a、this is tomb、i’m tomc、he’s tom.

6、( shall we __to the theatre?


7、( let’s meet at the park __9:00


8will __clear in shanghai.


9、( he is a good boy, so he is __late for school.

a、sometimesb、 alwaysc、never

10、( i don’t feel __

a、goodb、 wellc、great

五、 在b栏中选出a栏的正确答语。(5×2分)

ab ) 1. what’s wrong with youa. we can clean their houses.

) 2. what did you do during the holidays? will bring some fruit.

) 3. what can we do for old people? c. i practises listening.

) we go to the theatred. i feel cold and i h**e a cough.

) will you bring for the picnic? e. let’s go.


1、again christmas it’s !

2、peter never school is for late .

3、to you glad again see !

4、do what i can ?

5、did the during what you do holidays ?

七、 根据下列句子的中文意思补全句子。(12×1分)

1. 我会带几罐可乐。 i willa fewof

2. 王雷有时和他爸爸下棋。

wang lei sometimeswith his father.

3. 明天将会晴朗凉爽。it will betomorrow.

4. 我喜欢赏月。i __looking at the

5. 我们可以在电脑上发送问候。we can __our __on the computer.

八、 阅读短文,选择正确的选项(5×2分)

sam was not happy yesterday. he was ill. he had a bad cold.

his mother asked him to stay in bed. in the afternoon, his good friends tom and mike came to see him. they bought a lot of fruit and flowers for him.

today sam is fine. he is ****** a plan for next monday. because it’s christmas.

he’s going to buy colourful balls and lights. he’s going to buy christmas pudding, too.

)1、yesterday sam had a

a、bad coldb、headache

)2、tom and mike came to see sam in the


)3、tom and mike bought a lot offor sam.

a、candies and fruitb、fruit and flowers

)4is christmas.

a、next mondayb、today

)5、sam is going to buy

a、colourful balls and lights

b、colourful balls, lights and christmas pudding



a. 参加英语补习,学习更多的英语知识。

b. 坚持每天朗读英语已学内容20分钟。

c. 坚持每天听写1个单元的英语单词。

d. 坚持每天背诵1个单元的英语句子。

湘少版英语 六年级上册 期末试卷

name 名字score 得分。一 选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词。5 2分 二 补全单词。10 2分 1.m d cine 药 2.w st 浪费 3.w kday 平日 4.f v r 发烧 5.t st 尝 6.pl 戏剧 7.gr ting 问候 8.id 主意 9.l t s 莲花 ...


一 找出单词中漏掉的字母,从a b两项中选出正确答案。每题1分,共10分 1.l nda.ab.j 2.pa tya.ub.r 3.ooda.wb.p 4.spaca.eb.i 5.lo ea.tb.s 6.differ t en 7.cle era.vb.z 8.ri ea.db.w 9.arth...


湘少版英语六年级下册期末试卷。一 找出单词中漏掉的字母,从a b两项中选出正确答案。每题2分,共20分 1.l nda.ab.j 2.pa tya.ub.r 3.ooda.wb.p 4.spaca.eb.i 5.lo ea.tb.s 6.differ t en 7.cle era.vb.z 8.ri...