永州市泓文寄宿学校 2023年春季学期模拟考试卷。
六年级科目: 英语 (时间: 60 分钟满分: 100 分)答题栏。
)1. a. want b.
)2. a. week b. a pair of c. look at
)3. a. easy b. dropc.
)4. a. happily b. helpc.
)5. b. tomorrow c. sunny
) we are going to write a letter.
b. we should write our homework first.
c. i’m sorry.
( )a class partyb. h**e a rest.
c. we can see a movie.
) more like doing that.
more fresh air.
) i didn’tb. no,i didc. no, i didn’t
) park. there by 7’0 clock.
look, the two(11girls are lucy and lily. the(12are in lucy’s hands, lily is(13the desk. the girl in(14is han mei.
the boy is wang ming. his kite is on the wall. that’s jim.
his(15is under the desk.
16. angry17. grape
18. biscuit19. never
21. w__ ry( 焦虑) _钢琴) 23. h__ lthy(健康的)
24. afr__ d (害怕的25. e__ th (地球。
(所有格 (最高级。
28. who’s (同音词29. sing(过去式。
30. read(过去式现在分词。
副词 not(缩写形式。
) 36. i want toa story.
a. reading b. reads
) 37. which one do you want, a long one a short one?
a. orb. and c. but
) 38. trees can the air clean.
)39. where did you___last week?
b. went c. going
) 40. linda’s pencil-box is than yours.
b. better c. best good
) 41. lily___to school everyday.
a. go b. goes c. went
) 42. -thank you
b. you are welcome! c. thanks! same to you
) a walk.
c. ) 44. long long ago, there __a little girl called fangfang.
a. was b. were c. is
)45. our eartha ball from space.
总结。龙坑镇八里小学 何世伟班级 六 1 2 今年,我上了六年级两个班的英语,通过一学期的教育教学工作,感触很多,现总结如下 一 工作亮点 六年级的英语教学,对自己,首先就是要认真备课,认真批改学生的每一次作业,就连学生的家庭作业也是如此,同时,学生做的作业要要做好适当的评语,学生有缺点点要及时的给...
填表人 填表时间 2020年4月7日。学生基本情况分析。六年级有2个班,每个班学生人数为34人。学生已具备了一定的听 说 读 写英语的能力。但由于疫情期间有的学生在家学习自觉性不太高,学生作业上交成绩出现两极分化,加之教材难度偏大,教学目标的达成难度比较大。因此,本学期应加大后进生转化的力度,因材施...
勺窝乡希望小学2013 2014学年度第二学期六年级英语学科教案。课题 unit 1 how tall are you?第一课时 课型 新授。教学目标 1 能听 说 认 读taller stronger older younger shorter单词,发音准确。2 能将所学单词在日常实际生活中进行灵...